I looked at these too Traci, and I would also like to hear from people who've bought them. I had a favorable impression too, although I'd like to see more specific info about back vs. belly heat for corns specifically. I also looked at Nature's Spirit racks. From everything I've read here and on Fauna, Nature's Spirit is a great product with great customer service. They do custom requests too. And of course, I love my two AP racks, but with them I have a few issues (not including expense):
- The 10-shelf racks I have are monsters! This is why they are not shipped assembled, which is an issue in itself.
- I'm not getting younger, and my back is a little iffy from injuries I got when I used to have perform real work. Those bottom tubs on the AP are rough access for an old man. They're practically on the floor. But there is an issue on the other end as well, because at 5'7" (and 3/5"), I can't see into the backs of the tubs on the top shelves-- even on my toes.
But they are solid, they hold heat and humidity well, and they look very nice. I also like the heat cable they come with better than heat tape. But I think I need smaller, stackable units for my next racks. I need to buy at least 5 32qt. slots by spring myself. I'm toying with the idea of getting an N.S. incubator by then too. They are awesome, but costly.