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Is birch OK for corn snakes?


New member
My daughter wants to build a little house for her corn snake and I have some thin birch plywood. Is this OK to use or is it bad like pine or cedar? Thanks. Isaac
Birch is just fine. The reason to avoid pine and certain other conifers is that they can contaminate the snakes water with oils that can be toxic to your snake.
Well we finished making the little hiding spot. I know it is not the best/easiest thing to clean but it only took like 2 hours to make and my daughter enjoyed the time while we made it. The front will get a little artwork, and the back we left open so we can get the snake out. If this is a bad design and not safe for a corn, please let me know and we can give it to another one of our pets.


Birch is just fine. The reason to avoid pine and certain other conifers is that they can contaminate the snakes water with oils that can be toxic to your snake.

Has the wood been treated with anything during the processing? Are there different species of Birch or only one kind?

Same questions regarding Genus Pinus.
It's adorable!! I love it!

That is so cool! You are giving me great ideas for my own home-made hides.


Has the wood been treated with anything during the processing? Are there different species of Birch or only one kind?

Same questions regarding Genus Pinus.

I am a little concerned about the plywood aspect of it too, but the snake really loves just hanging out in her fake flower vine and doesn't like to be anywhere else. If she starts to use her little hut, I'll be a little worried. This was more of a project for my daughter and I to build together.
That's adorable! I'd suggest sealing the wood well with something like yacht varnish so any poop can be washed off easily.
"Not the best"? That snake will be PAMPERED if you ask me! LOL.

Good idea about sealing it, too, especially the corners and crevices where it might be harder to clean.