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Is cleaning the tank with chemicals necessary?


New member
I have read on here that alot of people clean out their snakes' cages with some sort of spray or a bleach/water solution or something like that. I have had my 2 corns for over a year now and i havn't cleaned their cages with any kind of solution once. I just change their bedding once a month and spot clean about everyother day. Is actually cleaning the tank necessary? Will something bad happend if i don't because its been awhile that i havnt and everything has been fine.
Deep cleaning the tank is necessary, in my opinion. When you just change the bedding and spot clean, some residual feces/urates is almost certain to be left behind in the tank. This can cause an overgrowth of bacteria...which can cause your snakes to becaome sick.

It's a risk I am not willing to take...
Terri, would the bleach/water solution be enough or do you really need to use the special cleaning tank product sold in pet stores?
jenkva said:
Terri, would the bleach/water solution be enough or do you really need to use the special cleaning tank product sold in pet stores?
You can use bleach and water, but be certain to rinse it very well. You do not want any bleach residue in the tank. I personally prefer the chlorhexidine because it is quicker, easier, safer, and more effective.
CornCrazy said:
You can use bleach and water, but be certain to rinse it very well. You do not want any bleach residue in the tank. I personally prefer the chlorhexidine because it is quicker, easier, safer, and more effective.
This is a special tank cleaner you can buy?
jenkva said:
This is a special tank cleaner you can buy?
Nevermind, I was being lazy, just ignore that question.
I did a forum-search and found the answer and more.... Thanks anyway Terri
Had1nowwant1 said:
Thanks CornCrazy for the replies. Does anyone not clean their tank with some sort of solution?
You're welcome!

I would recommend that you start cleaning your tanks with something (even if it is just very hot water...that would be better than nothing ;)). Honestly, it is not worth the risks just to save a little time.
RyanR said:
just warm Water and Vinnagar for me once a month :shrugs:

thats what i use...vinnagar and hot water...its not toxic, but it disinfects and cleans.
I use Ark Klens as well. If you dilute it as per the directions and use it in a spray bottle, it lasts for ages.

You do need to clean with some kind of chemical.

Imagine if you only ever rinsed your bath with water. You'd get rid of the loose surface bits, but over time you'd get a build-up of grime in the bottom, the taps would get dull and scaley, and a tidemark would appear round the sides of the tub. All sorts of germs could be hiding in that lot and you certainly wouldn't want to take a bath in it any more! Occasionally, you just need to set about it with a bathroom cleaning product and give the whole setup a good scrub.

Same with a snake's tank/viv.
I put couple of drops of bleach and mix it with water in a spray bottle.

Spray all over viv then let it stand for 5-10 mins.

I'll then fill tank with water and leave another few mins then rinse and rinse and rinse. Again, leave few mins then rinse again then dry.

Once dry i leave it for more time then i put new bedding in.

With all this waiting time i clean the hides, water bowls, silk leaves etc, i clean them with unscented soap and a soak in boiling water.

I love the cleaning side of things.