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Is it just me ?


New member
Or do other people have trouble with Utility Companies

I had a nightmare woth Powergen, now an even bigger head ache with Thames Water.

To cut a long story short I wrote to them 'special delivery' to inform them I was moving back to mums & gave them the address to send my final bill.

They then took it upon themselves to close my mums account down & set up a new one in my name at mums address (my new temporary address)

Despite several telephone calls to them to try & sort this mess out a whole new account had to be created for my mum, & It took 5 additional phone calls to them to request what I wanted in the 1st place - my final bill !

It was eventually sent & it stated that my account was in credit £1.43. I called them AGAIN to check, double & tripple check this was correct & the lady I spoke to infomed me that yes it was correct & she refunded the £1.43 back into my bank account.

A week later I got a letter stating that £155 was DUE NOW !

So I called again... & was informed that I DIDNT owe anything & to ignore further requests. I then demanded she updated the system to ensure I didnt get any further letters regarding this. she assured me she had done this.

I got home last Friday to aletter that read "£155 DUE NOW..PLEASE PAY IMMEDIATLEY OR COURT ACTION WILL COMENCE"

I was sooooo angry so again got back on the phone to them.. Everytime I call I am shoved on hold for at least 20 mins while they ploughed through my notes, trying to get a drift of what has happened. I asked to speak directly to the manager who I flew off the handle too..I couldnt help but lose my rag as depite calling sooooo many times I was given wrong info & now could end up in court as I owe this £££. Imagine if I had done what the previous lady had said & ignored all letters!

The manager on the phone confirmed that £155 was due in the next 5 days or Court Action would comence. I was forced to set up a payment plan there & then to start paying this balance off. They wouldnt even put my account on hold while I spoke to my ex flat mate so I could arrange payments etc.

Should I be liable for this £155 when I have a FULL & FINAL BILL that states my end balance was £1.43 in credit ??

I have written to them to make an official complaint via email & special delivery & I just dont know what else to do ? How can they do this ? :shrugs: :shrugs:

Any advice would be great !

Cheers for reading my essay !
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I see the same ol' BS happens on that side of the ocean as well! Good luck getting it straight. That should happen around Sept 2008, but you'll get at least one more bill in 2009 for the closed account.
Wow, and I though I have problems.

My "neighbor" who owns the dirt road nex to our property called the cops on my husband Saturday night because he was cutting the 5' wide strip of grass between our fence and the dirt road. Then, Sunday night she called the cops because we drove down the dirt road to our back yard fence and drove our car into our back yard. It's an Aveo, almost as small as a Smart Car.

It just goes to show that we all have problems and just need to work through them without :uzi:

Hope your problem solves soon.

Easier said than done me thinks Sue - I have endless amounts of trouble with these Companies & if you dont speak up - you dont get it sorted !!!!

Susan said:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I see the same ol' BS happens on that side of the ocean as well! Good luck getting it straight. That should happen around Sept 2008, but you'll get at least one more bill in 2009 for the closed account.

Yeah that'll be about right !!!!!

Cheers :)