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Is it legal to send ultramel corn combos to New Jersey?


Kind of Corny
I have heard that New Jersey has laws against people keeping dark eyed corn snakes, but what about ultramel combos, whose darker or ruby eyes are from a gene borrowed from the black rat snake? Anybody know? Somebody from New Jersey just bought one from me, and I'm not sure about this one. Thanks!
I found this that lists the morphs:


"Corn Snakes are an Endangered Species in the state of New Jersey. Possession or sale of any other color morphs, other that those listed could result in fines, penalties and/or possible revocation of your permit The only color morphs that are legal to possess and/or sell are the following: Red Albino (Amelanistic), Butter, Snow, Pearl, Lavender, Blizzard, Creamsicle, Sun Glow, Candy Cane. All temporary 20-Day Permit receipts must list the above individual color morphs and/or specify on the receipt – ALBINO CORNSNAKE."
Yeah a state that's more restrictive than Maine !

I buy from a dealer in NJ every year and when he told me this law I was taken back:shrugs:
If corns are endangered in NJ it's because it's too cold for them to live there most of the time...
The corn population in NJ is geographically isolated, and habitat destruction is the reason corns are endangered in New Jersey. They've presumably been there a long time so I assume wild corns in that area have adapted to cooler temperatures.
NJ is nicknamed "The Garden State" and it does have beautiful forests and farm land.
I believe another factor in corn snakes being on the endangered list as is the eastern milk is here in Maine is the harsh winters keep the populations low and any harvesting could devastate them.
Because so many people are going to poach an animal you could buy for $25 at a show. :rolleyes: The people who make these laws have no idea what they're doing.