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Is it possible to get a snake used to being picked up?


New member
Basically the title. When he is in my hands he is really chill i literally named him Chili cause hes red and really chill, but if i leave him on my bed or anywhere and then try to pick him up again he tries to get away every time. Would leaving him down and then picking him up again repeatedly get him used to it?
Also when you are handling a snake how do you realize it had enough and have to put him back in his enclosure?
He's frightened when you go to pick him up from such a large space. Is there a reason you need to set him down at all? If you're just holding him, he should be able to tolerate 30-60 minutes, as long as you're not having him do something active.
He's frightened when you go to pick him up from such a large space.

i know i was just wondering if i could get him used to that.

he should be able to tolerate 30-60 minutes

ye but what are the signs that he doesn't want to anymore? him biting or getting way to active trying to escape? And if those are the signs then leaving him back in his enclosure when he shows them doesn't teach him that he can get away every time by doing that?
I don't know, I don't think they really express being tired of being handled. Maybe get more restless?

Probably when your snake is older and bigger and more used to you, it won't frighten him to be picked up out in the middle of a big space like that.
1. Basically the title. When he is in my hands he is really chill i literally named him Chili cause hes red and really chill, but if i leave him on my bed or anywhere and then try to pick him up again he tries to get away every time. Would leaving him down and then picking him up again repeatedly get him used to it?
2. Also when you are handling a snake how do you realize it had enough and have to put him back in his enclosure?

my answers:
1. Of course it's possible. In fact, with a little patience, practice and time, you might even get to the point where you can just hold your hand in front of the snake and he will crawl into your hands on his own. Mine does this most times, unless he's in his hide. And if that's the case I just reach in and grab him. He doesn't care at all. Of course he is almost 3 years old now, and we've had a lot of time to practice together.
2. My snake is perfectly comfortable coiled around my neck, or hanging out on my arm. He may even crawl down my shirt and hide in there. I have gone driving in the car and shopping with him. I go to the park with him. I took him to work one day. And sometimes we sit for hours watching a movie on TV. He's no different than a cat or dog. Basically there are "2 Groups" of people at this website. There are the people that have dozens of snakes (perhaps even hundreds) that treat them as a Business. They raise them and sell them, and that's what they care about. These people will tell you snakes don't like to be handled, and you should not handle a snake more than 5 minutes a week, and you should never handle them when in shed...etc... And then there is the other group of people (like me) who currently have "A Pet Snake" (operative word here - "Pet"). I treat my snake as a member of the family, and the same as I would any other pet. I play with it, care for it, spend time with it. And despite what some folks will tell you, snakes can and do get to know you, and they are not stupid, they are capable of learning.