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Is my bp a boy or a girl?


Romulan with corn snakes
Ok so this snake is supposed to be a boy but I want to make sure...
Don't want to pop Him/her, so is there a way to tell like how long the tail is or something? "he" is 2 1/2 feet long but "his" tail is an inch ling and stubby...
any one have any idea how to tell without popping?
Well, males typically have larger spurs than females. Also, (and this is not 100%) try to catch it pooping. Sometimes the giblets will pop out when they do...
Right next to the vent, there will be a pair of spurs. One on each side.They look almost like cat claws to me...
The ones in the pic are male. Females are (if I recall correctly in BPs) about a quarter that size...
Could be, but these are not 100% methods. at that size, probing is the best solution.
Really the best way to do it is have some one who knows how to pop, pop it. Same thing with probing.

I've got a proven female with HUGE spurs and males that barely have any.

Unless you are going to breed, I would not even worry about it.
Where did you get this "male" from. Males are virtually 100% accurate when popped/probed. If they "pop" hemipenes then its obviously a male, and when you probe, the probe goes deep on males as well. So if this guy is from someone reputable, then its most likely a male. Spur size, tail length, etc are all inaccurate methods.

"Females" can sometimes turnout to be males, because if you pop them, hemipenes might not just be popping, so you get a false positive for a female. Same with probing, sometimes if you don't know what you're looking to "feel" when probing, the probe might not go deep enough, so you get another false positive.

Don't try to probe a snake on your own, have someone show you. While easy to do, if done incorrectly you could seriously hurt the snake.