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Is she to become a monster?


Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag
Well, Freya is 14 months today!
To me, she is still growing really rapidly.
I would like to know what you guys think and, yes, I know, they all grow at a different rate but I have been wondering what average are yours around that age and if they are about the same as Freya, are they Normal, Medium, XL or XXL?
I measured her and weighed her today and she is just over 98.84cm (almost 39inches) and 303g.

Thank you for your feed back :D

Here is a photo of her stretching on the side of her viv a couple of days ago


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Hi 'Nina. I think that's about the heaviest any of my snakes have been at 14 months, and only a few were around that size at that age. So, yeah, she's huge for a 14 month old. If she were at my house, I'd be giving her a normal, adult-sized mouse every 12-14 days. There's no guarantee that this growth rate indicates that she will end up being an XXL, but it sure suggests it. Whether she ends up being overweight is up to you... :)
Roy Munson said:
Hi 'Nina. I think that's about the heaviest any of my snakes have been at 14 months, and only a few were around that size at that age. So, yeah, she's huge for a 14 month old. If she were at my house, I'd be giving her a normal, adult-sized mouse every 12-14 days. There's no guarantee that this growth rate indicates that she will end up being an XXL, but it sure suggests it. Whether she ends up being overweight is up to you... :)
Hey Dean!
Thanks for your quick reply. At the moment she is on a 8 days schedule with 1 large hopper / small adult. She is due feeding tomorrow, maybe should put her from now on on a 10 days schedule with that size, hu!? I don't want her to be overweight but she is very active, 90% of the time (day or night) I peek at her, she is out and about climbing, taking a stroll, etc.... She is already very strong so I am not worried that she is a "couch potato" ;)
Oh my god, she must be growing like weed indeed! I weighed my Beurre at Octobre 5, she is also around 3 feet but weighed 228 back then.... I'm afraid Freya passed her... and Beurre is at least 2,5 months older... :(

I hope she is gonna be a megacorn!


Leeloo meisures 55 cm and weighs 43 grams, she is 4 months old now... she might be a good candidate to get pretty large too :)
jenkva said:
Hey Dean!
Thanks for your quick reply. At the moment she is on a 8 days schedule with 1 large hopper / small adult. She is due feeding tomorrow, maybe should put her from now on on a 10 days schedule with that size, hu!? I don't want her to be overweight but she is very active, 90% of the time (day or night) I peek at her, she is out and about climbing, taking a stroll, etc.... She is already very strong so I am not worried that she is a "couch potato" ;)
Yeah, that schedule sounds good for the prey-size you're giving her. Personally, I'd bump up the prey-size and reduce the frequency just to make it easier on ME, but what you're doing is fine. :)
Blutengel said:
Oh my god, she must be growing like weed indeed! I weighed my Beurre at Octobre 5, she is also around 3 feet but weighed 228 back then.... I'm afraid Freya passed her... and Beurre is at least 2,5 months older... :(

I hope she is gonna be a megacorn!


Leeloo meisures 55 cm and weighs 43 grams, she is 4 months old now... she might be a good candidate to get pretty large too :)
She is again in shed, last time she actually shed her skin was September 26th so I am expecting her to shed in just over a week as she is only getting milky checkers.
Roy Munson said:
Yeah, that schedule sounds good for the prey-size you're giving her. Personally, I'd bump up the prey-size and reduce the frequency just to make it easier on ME, but what you're doing is fine. :)
What I'll do is feed her tomorrow and as I do not feed her when she is in blue that should make it 10 days then make her finish the big hoppers and then to smallish adult to 9/10 days.

Barbara, you have seen her in the "scales", she is just big but not fat, hu?
jenkva said:
She is again in shed, last time she actually shed her skin was September 26th so I am expecting her to shed in just over a week as she is only getting milky checkers.
What I'll do is feed her tomorrow and as I do not feed her when she is in blue that should make it 10 days then make her finish the big hoppers and then to smallish adult to 9/10 days.

Barbara, you have seen her in the "scales", she is just big but not fat, hu?

No, she looked like I want my corns to look like; slightly rounded but not too much ;)