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Is tap water ok?


New member
I'm a newbie. Just got a baby snake today.
Is it ok to put tap water in the dish or does it need to be treated?
Depends on your water supply, but I have always used tap water. I'd say, if you're ok drinking your tap water, than it should be fine for your snakes. If you aren't, than maybe go with bottled or get a purifier.
Check with your water supply. If it has a high consintration of chemicals and stuff added to it by your water company I wouldnt risk it.

Use bottled water until you find out.
Is there any specific type of bottled water? I understand no distilled. What about RO water? That's what we used when I was working for a (small, locally owned) pet shop.

How about grapefruit seed oil or extract? I heard to put a few drops in their water?
Um....not sure what you mean. I use the stuff you add to the water, not the stuff they sell to handle your snake. I just wash my hands prior to handling and after. :) You can find it at Petco easily.
Rocky Raccoon said:
Um....not sure what you mean. I use the stuff you add to the water, not the stuff they sell to handle your snake. I just wash my hands prior to handling and after. :) You can find it at Petco easily.

:shrugs: I was discussing with a friend of mine cleaners for tanks. I was talking about people using bleach/water or Nolvasan. She suggested a ReptiSafe cleaner. All I know is that it's ReptiSafe and I can get it at PetCo, PetsMart, Pets First, wherever. :D
grdn1014 said:
mind my ignorance, but whats wrong with distilled water?

I was told and read that it was harmful for them?

I could be thinking of geckos. If that is the case, then please pardon my mistake! :D
Oh okay, yah now I see what you mean. I just washed mine out with some simple anit bac. hand soap and then made sure it was completely rinsed. shouldnt be an issue if you make sure there is no soap at all left.