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Is this just another Classic


New member
A bit of history on this little guy. He was in the last clutch bred from a Classic Female. She bred for seven years in a row producing 126 babies in total. She showed a lot of silver colouring, but the Forum unanimously voted some years back that she definitely was not a Miami Phase. She was bred all seven times to the same Amel Male as she would not let any other male cover her. This baby is a keeper because of his colouring. He is also the only keeper I have kept from any of her clutches. I also need to add that I forcefed him for seven months, a total of 18 meals before he started eating on his own.

The question is, am I imagining some sort of diffusion here, and is he just a normal old classic.

A picture of the little guy.

I see a nice normal, no diffusion, but the presence of belly checks will be the ultimate indication of it being normal and not diffuse.
I see a Classic as well, but hey, if you see something special in that little one, then of course keep it! Classics can be just as beautiful as Diffused, in their own right.

You could also research the Masque gene. It doesn't look like this baby has the eyebrows for it, but perhaps he has other traits. He does look nice and light.

I'm a little concerned about the force feeding, although if he is consistently taking meals from you now, then that is good. I haven't had any experience myself with force feeding a snake, but I've read accounts of snakes that started out force fed as not ending up very healthy, and some don't make it. He/she seems very small for a 7 month corn. I hope that this little one makes it for you.
We got a non-feeder in Sept. (born July) and had to force feed her mouse tails (as suggested on this forum) 4-5 times. She then started eating live pinkies only, and has FINALLY graduated to f/t pinkies and is eating like a champ! So even if your guy is a little small at least you didn't give up on him and he's eating on his own! Its a good feeling when they finally do!
Can someone give me a brief quick explanation of the Masque Gene. He does have light coloured eyebrows.
I have another corn that I forcefed for about 8 months five years ago, I will post a pic of her on this thread. Her size proves the theory expressed here that they do not get big. She is like a dwarf.
Hey, I wonder if I breed him to her in say two years time I can produce a line of Dwarf Corns.