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Is this poop or regurg?


New member
The temperatures in her cage as 72-75 on the cool side, and 80 on the hot side. It's regulated with an under the cage heating pad with a digital thermostat. I didn't handle her for 48 hours + after feeding.

I fed her on Tuesday evening. Today is Saturday night.

I'm somewhat worried. About 3 or 4 weeks ago she regurgitated her first meal I gave her after adopting her. So I followed the regurg protocol and this is the first normal meal I've given her. This poop/regurg just happened about an hour ago as well.
I think that is poop, but I could be wrong. Regurge usually still looks vaguely like a mouse/rat, and it smells awful. Speaking of which, does it smell?
When she regurge'd last time, it did look a lot like her actual meal. The smell was...kinda gross. I can't remember if it was as foul smelling as her first regurge. I know that one smelled awful. This one didn't smell pleasant.
That's quite definitely poop. You can tell because it's a long continuous string (the same caliber as the snake's intestine!) not a big blob of mouse body. Looks fairly normal.