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Is this too weird for hatchlings?


:) colubridstudios.com :)
Is this type of container too weird for hatchlings? They stack as many long as you want and up to four high. I thought it could work out but I'm not sure. They don't sell them in stores so I can't go play with them to see how they feel, but has anyone else ever seen them like this?


I would be using ambient room temperatures for heating probably, as opposed to flexwatt because the walls of the containers look awfully thin. I wouldn't want the flexwatt to melt it.
I think they're cool, but the hard part would be a water bowl. Small enough to fit through the lid, but not too small that it will keep tipping...
You'd have to poke holes in it and you'd have to heat it - but it could work. Though I think a plastic shoebox would be cheaper and serve the same function. I've been using pre-punched (with airholes) clear deli containers that are 7 inches in diameter (there are bigger ones as well) with a fast food "ketchup cup" container as a water dish. These work well, but again they do need some sort of heat source during colder weather.
I actually had a bunch of these in my kitchen for the longest time. They're actually pretty sturdy! Sturdier than the plastic that deli cups are made out of, but not quite as sturday and say, sterilite... They hold up fairly well to abuse, or at least did a few years ago... I never would have thought about using them for snakes though LOL

I'm thinking that you might be able to heat them with flexwatt up the back, you would have to test and see.