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It's a Girl ! <smile>


1.1 Beautiful kids....
For all those interested....

Our Daughter, Alicia, was born Sunday morning, the 12th, at 4:45AM. She weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and is 20" long.

I delivered her !

We had a home birth with a Mid-Wife set up...but the whole labor from first contraction to birth was only an hour and 10 minutes ! The mid-Wife was on her way to our house, but the Baby decided it was time to come out...so I delivered her. Talk about a "rush" (G). Mom and Baby did all the work, and are both doing great.
That's awesome, Mike. Congrats on the new arrival, and on a great job bringing her into the world. :) :cheers: :cheers:
Congratulations Mike on your little impatient girl. She wasn't going to wait to join the world! :D Glad to hear everything went well.
Just over an hour? Lucky lady!
Congrats! You've been in my thoughts lately and I've been wondering when we would get this post. Enjoy every second, it goes by so fast! I blinked and my son is now 11. :)
This must be a record of some sort....

....no, not for the delivery time. There have been 10 replies, and not one of them had the hackneyed "Any known hets?" question.

So.....Mike? ;)

Congratulations Mike, super way for her to enter the world!
Any photos of the little lady yet?

Well done to all three of you! I can't wait for the photos...

......of your new hatchling!!!!!

...sorry I couldn't help it- it just slipped out! :grin01: