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It's all just a bunch of snake and mirrors


New member
I have recently moved into a new apartment and Abbey's viv is next to a mirror. I was wondering if there are any problems with a snake being kept next to a mirror. Any phychological type problems from constantly "seeing" another snake? Can they even see a reflection in a mirror?
Don't know - the previous poster is probably right. My betta tank (plastic) is against the side of my garter snake,s aquarium. I SWEAR they stare each other down and are fascinated by each other. Snake TV!
I figured that their eyesight isn't good enough, but I do notice her "looking" at the other snake in the mirror. I could just be thinking that though and not realized that she just looks around like that all the time.
It depends on the species of snake. Some snakes have very good eye sight and use it as the primary means of prey locations. Corns can see pretty well.

I don't think the mirror should be any concern however.
Hmm, didn't think about that, my baby's back cage wall is pressed against a mirror, he hasn't gotten to the point of roaming around while I'm the room, wont even eat unless i turn the lights out, so I havent noticed if he pays any attention to the mirror or not