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It's been awhile! New snakes/other..things.


New member
I haven't been on here in quite a while! So, I figured I would let you all know what I have been up to in the past few months :]

Working in a pet store is really NOT helping with my exotics addiction lol

You all remember RobZombie, my first corn (first snake ever).

And Tetra, my Asian Vine Snake.

Well, I've added a few more guys to my heart :]

This is Reznor, my pastel ball python.

My Honduran Milk snake, Harvey

My Reverse Okeetee corn, Dresden

My Mexican Fireleg, Manson

My Antilles Pink Toe, Panthera

(when I first got her)


My Mexican Red Rump, Gargamel

My Green Bottle Blue, Otep

My Yellow Saharan Uromastyx, Doozer

And lastly, my hypo leatherback bearded Dragon, Meeker

I'm running out of room in my home... lmao!
holy crap!

your starting to get an pretty awesome little collection there!

I'm in love with your nine snake!!
and for someone that doesn't like spiders..
I don't think I have ever seen such gorgeous tarantulas!!
their colours are wicked!

thanks for sharing! oh! and welcome back! :eek:
Thanks so much! My vine snake is my pride and joy, completely! Such a good natured girl. And for such a fragile snake, she has never given me any problems. I adore her <3

that's great to hear!
she does look like she would be delicate!
her neck looks sooo thin!

but her colour is just awesome!!
what do you feed her? lizards? do you breed them your self as a food source?
or can they eat other things..

sorry for all the questions!
she's just amazing..
She will only eat anoles. I've tried everything else. Tiny mice, pinkies, pinkies with anoles rubbed on them, crickets, guppies, she just won't touch anything else. We get them from our reptile breeder the store I work at goes through. I'm the only person who ever buys them lol
are they already frozen? if you can find them like then I wouldn't mind it!
but I could never feed a tiny live alone... their such adorable little lizards!
:eek: lol I'm too soft hearted,
That vine snake is impressive. Love the green!

I'm not really a tarantula fan, but they still look good.

Very nice animals!