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It's been awhile....

And if you've forgotten me, I'm not surprised!

So, after all these months of helping my mother through her chemo treatments every two weeks and wondering if she'd be here for Christmas, we found out 2 weeks ago that her tumors are reduced by 75%, and her tumor markers are down from 4.5 to 1.6. Fantastic news! Let's REALLY celebrate Christmas this year! Doc says she thinks Mom can survive 4 or 5 years, instead of the usual 1-2 years, or the original "weeks to months" that her surgeon had suggested. Life is GREAT, right?

But wait! My stepfather, with whom I am very close, went to the ER after coughing up blood on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, he's doing great. Much better. Meds and O2 seem to be doing their job. Then, this Sunday morning, everything does a 180. Docs say there's nothing more they can do for him (he's lived with a large, growing aortic aneurism for years, and when a lung collapsed under the weight of it, they couldn't relieve the pressure or empty the fluid from his lungs), and put him in a large room so he can say his goodbyes. We drive the 260 miles due east to be with him. Luckily, although he was sedated, he recognized us. We stayed 'til 9 pm, and drove back home, as my husband had to work on Monday. At 4 am on Monday morning, my mother called. My father was gone--he left us at 3:52 am......

So, yeah. I was going to start spending more time, here, among the snake-loving folks that I love. But it just isn't to be. Jay (my stepfather) is gone, and it was SO unexpected! I feel like I've been hit in the gut by a battering ram, and I just can't stop crying. So, it'll be awhile before I feel much like socializing. Just when everything with our family was looking so bright, too...

I may be forgotten, but I'm not gone (totally or yet). Jorge', how's them baby Miamis coming along?

Thanks for listening to me blubber on yet again. Life just isn't much fun right now.
You are not forgotten, I think of you often!

I'm sorry about your stepfather. I'm glad you got to see him before he passed.

I'm glad your mom is doing better!

Sending you hugs!!
BIG HUGS!!! SQUEEEEEEZE!!!! Hope I didn't break a rib, LOL.

We think about you guys, too. I'm so sorry to hear about your stepdad's passing. Not much you can do, but be there for your mom and family right now. No worries about being around this place, you're needed somewhere else. Be comforted in knowing you were blessed with him in your life. He'll never really be gone, you know. Be good to yourself and your family. Light a candle this Solstice so you can see the glow of his spirit still lighting the way for you. Blessed be.
Oh no! That must be so hard for your mother. I'm sure they must have planned for her "leaving," and certainly didn't expect it to be the other way around. I'm so sorry. But thankful that you will, God willing, have many more years with your mother. Well, take care of your mom and yourself, and of course we won't forget you, and we'll be here when it's time for you to come back.
I am sorry for your loss.
Nothing I'll say will even be close to cut it... so you have our love and heart felt wishes.
I'm sure he had a far more fulfilling life thanks to having you as a part of them.
So sorry to hear of your loss - especially during the holiday season. But I am glad your mom will be with you - hopefully for many more years to come!

Welcome back whenever you feel you are ready to socialize again.
You are definitely not forgotten and in fact last night I ran across one of your old posts and wondered how you were doing. I am so sorry for your loss and I wish you and your family well. We will be here ready to do what good friends do best. Pick up the conversation just as there was no gab in our conversation.
Wish you strength and hopefully a bit of joy celebrating X-mas and New year with your mom, even though your stepfather is not there. I can't imagine how messed up you must feel...
Nope we wouldn't forget you. I still have a book to give you. Actually next month is the expo again. Also hoping to place another rodent pro order if you'd be interested. I have been absentee from this site for a while now too what with making Christmas presents, cookies, pies, etc. We thinned our heard by three bigger critters and most the babies.