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Java the Hut!*pics for Danny and anybody else that wants to see 'em*


What blonde chick?!
So as some of you know we took in Danny's bunny,Java! He's a total sweet-heart and we all love him to bits! He has a blast getting to run around the living room and scaring my cats. He never drifts into the other rooms and his favorite place is under one of my end tables or behind the recliner. We leave his cage door open during the day(if we're home) and he lets you know when he's had enough of roaming and goes right into his cage! It's great! He also lets you know when he wants out by banging around loudly until we open up the door. We're in love!




Under the table!


OOOH! I love Chocolate Dutch bunnies! He's sooo beautiful! The picture of him on the couch is the best. xD Man, it makes me miss owning bunnies...
He seems to be,Nanci! I hope he is! My cats are pretty pissy about it but I'm sure they'll get over it soon.
I have a friend that works for Gainesville Rabbit Rescue that has cats and rabbits together in her house. I think they mostly ignore each other.
He's a beautiful dutch....and thats the way people should keep rabbits- indoors and out of the cage! They really are smart, curious and fun pets when given an interactive environment. I'm so glad you were able to take him, so now we request lots of picture updates!
He's a nice looking bunny!
I had a rabbit for 12 years, he lived in the kitchen. We used to watch a friend's dog during the day and they would play together, chase each other in turn. Our dogs wouldn't play with him, he intimidated them!
Thanks Kyle! We've both been on the couch all day long! Just been one of those lazy days!

I find it hilarious that the cats are so scared of him! I thought it would be just the opposite. He just put himself to bed. It's so cute when he does that! Now in the morning,he'll be banging on his cage to be let out. My laundry room is now home to 2 colonies of mice(who have yet to give me babies dang it!) and Java. Good thing my dryer doesn't work anyway,huh?!
Has he done that thing where he completely Freaks Out!!! and jumps into the air kicking and spinning and runs around like a madman? We had an Angora that used to do that.
LOL! No he hasn't! He's been pretty laid back. He's only bit twice and I think that was accidental. Ariel had beads on her shirt and he was trying to nibble those but got her shoulder instead. You see how angry she was with him though,right?
He looks great Mindy! I'm sure you all are thrilled to have him. I know he is probably one happy bunny to be able to run around and stretch his legs. Congrats on getting him.
Our Bun-Bun (okay, a six-year old named him) nibbled power cords, we had to keep them out of reach. We found out when we heard a "pop!" and saw a blue flash in the kitchen, he was unhurt. Last month when I was cleaning I found a couple of bunny nips on a lamp cord (Bun-Bun hasn't been with us for several years) and I missed him.
Rabbits are more intelligent than I thought, I really liked that animal.
Congrats on your new boy, he is very cute and your daugther looks so happy.

My Floppy ear rabbit was the best, him and my cat were best friends. They groomed eachother and played together. He passed away last winter and I miss him very much. I didn't think I would get another rabbit for a long time but last spring I went to the store and there were two baby bunnies that I could not stop thinking about and had to have them. I'm glad I did I love them even though they are going through a nibbling phase lol..
Aw, Mindy, what an adorable new addition! I have 2 house rabbits (spayed/neutered bonded pair). Both of them were rescues and I adore them, even though they are a little destructive, especially Diva.
Thank you! He's definetly become a member of the family around here.

Oh and the reason we call him Java the Hut is Sebastian insisted for a few days that his name was Jaba and not Java. He's a Star Wars nut and was quite displeased when we told him it was actually Java. So we added "the Hut" afterwards to appease him! LOL!