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Corn Manic
remember the homepage for building a rack system that you posted before? I seem to have lost it and can't find it anymore. I need the homepage to find the seller of the fletwatt heat tape. Thanks for your help!

Good Luck and Happy Herping!

dwight's page (homemade racks and obsoleta pics) is down for some reason. i've tried it and gotten nothing but a folder listing. for heat tape thogh, you can try the bean farm (can't remember the url but its listed at kingsnake.com's commercial listings), eherp.com, or big apple herp (also at kingsnake.com) good luck... :) ---jim
Thanks Jim and Gregg

I was wondering if I lost the dwight's homepage or something and I couldn't remember what the URL was so that was why I posted this message up to ask you. Thanks!

I am just trying to buy some flexheat tape for my rack system that I just build yesterday. The whole rack is finished but it's only missing the heat source. I bought the easy heat deicing cable but then I thought the flexheat tape would suit my rack system more so planning tp buy some of those. Thanks for both of your help!

Good Luck and Happy Herping!