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Jumbo sized jumping spider

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Was moving around some plastic sawhorses next to the garage when I spotted this good sized spider nestled between them. Looks like some sort of jumping spider but much larger than I normally see. I'm guessing it would cover an inch and a quarter handily.


Been a couple of chilly nights, so I guess it felt snug and comfortable there.
She looks a lot like Phidippus sp., but if so I suspect you may be overestimating the size a little. There have been P. regius-otiosus hybrids recorded that have a similar body structure and those same white patches on the sides of the cephalothorax. No idea how large those could get.
That one looks like p. audax, and while they usually top out at just shy of an inch, people have told me they found larger ones here in Florida. They look cute from 3 feet away.
I have only heard of them being larger out west, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just any warmer climate. I have what I believe is P. audax in a little tote upstairs, and he is a shrimpy 1/2 inch at best lol.
I have not seen any large ones around my house, but I have at least a hundred anoles, geckos, and skinks running around. Any small insect better hide or be camouflaged well.
Look at the picture and you can see a nice little face sticking its tongue out. LOL
Heck, I'm not really renown for being 100 percent accurate with guesstimating dimensions and measurements, but holding up a yardstick I would have to say that this certainly SEEMED pretty close to 1.25 inches, + or -, from stem to stern. But I don't think he would hold still if I were to try to lay that yardstick against him to be certain. I probably would have screamed like a little girl had he leaped towards my face while I was taking pictures. :laugh:

I will have to say that this is the largest jumping spider, by an order of magnitude, that I have ever seen around here. I was honestly shocked to see it so close to my fingers when I lifted that sawhorse off of his hiding place. I normally really like the little jumping spiders around here and will take special pains to keep them from harm when they are around my feet or near a door jamb. This one seemed perfectly capable of taking care of itself, please and thank you.

But anyway, anyone who would want to grab him for an accurate measurement is welcome to come here to do that. I'll just watch. :laugh: