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Kathy, can we post this about the python/boa ban here??


New member
If you don't want this on the forums, I understand, but it needs to be seen by more people, so I am sorry if this violates any of the rules in advance....

OK People,
Here we go again, I know alot of you don't keep Burms(obviously in Maine), but BOAS are going to be added to this!!!! Then they will go after all the others once they pass this!! Please do this, I know some of you on my list already have this info, and some of you don't even keep snakes anymore, or never did, but if you know us,you know how this will effect us!!
SO, if you are local and don't feel like printing and mailing letters, we have tons printed out at the tattoo shop. Come on down and sign them and WE will send them all in together!! This has to be done by no later than MONDAY!!!!!! For all you out of our area, please spread the word, and do your part, Ball, Blood, and carpet, and all other snakes breeders, I know you are watching thinking this can't happen to you, but it will if we let them pass this CRAPPY bill!!! DO IT!!!!!!!

Jasin, Danielle, and the family
Hallowed Ground Body art Studio
610 Congress st.
Portland, ME 04101


S373 aka ‘The Python Ban’ has been amended to include the 9 great constrictors referenced in the recent report released by the US Geological Survey entitled Giant Constrictors: Biological and Management Profiles and an Establishment Risk Assessment for Nine Large Species of Pythons, Anacondas, and the Boa Constrictor. If passed as written S373 would add all 9 snakes to the Injurious Wildlife list of the Lacey Act making it a felony to engage in the import, export and interstate transport of any of these animals.
This possibility is unacceptable to USARK and the Reptile Nation. We are encouraging everyone with an interest in S373 to click on www.Kill-S373.com and participate in the USARK Kill S373 Letter Campaign. There you will find step by step instructions, a sample letter, contact information and even an instructional video to help you write your US Senators an effective letter opposing S373. We have learned that written letters are one of the most effective ways to lobby Congress. Sending an email is NOT enough! Write your letters. Get your friends and family involved writing letters too.
USARK spearheaded a similar letter writing campaign last spring. The Reptile Nation generated 50,000 letters opposing HR669. The bill was crushed. Time to do it again! Spread the web address www.Kill-S373.com all over the internet. Put it on your facebook page. Put it on your MySpace page. Twitter it. Post it on every forum or social networking site that you frequent. Email it to everyone you know! www.Kill-S373.com will take you straight to the resources you need to do your letters. We have made it as easy as it can possibly be, but it will require some effort. January 12th is our deadline. We don’t have much time. Do it today!
If you are an Industry Leader You Must Make an APPOINTMENT to MEET With Your Senators!! If you care about your business you will do this!!!
***Please Click the USARK Donate Button at the top of this page and contribute $10 to help pay for the USARK Kill S373 Letter Campaign***
www.Kill-S373.com - DEADLINE January 12, 2010

'Tom Wolfe with thousands of letters that led the Reptile Nation to Victory over HR669'
The DEADLINE for getting your letters opposing S373 to Tom Wolfe is fast approaching. Last day to overnight will be Monday the 11th so Tom Wolfe will have them for hand delivery to the Senate on Tuesday the 12th. This is extremely serious. If we do not succeed 1/3 of the Reptile Nation could be destroyed! Thousands will lose jobs. Many businesses will be bankrupted. Individuals could lose their homes. The time to ACT is NOW!!!!

We need an ALL OUT effort right now. It is very simple. Writing your letters like we did when we killed HR669 is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do right now. Follow the instructions below:

1. Letters to your Senators- Go to www.Kill-S373.com and follow the instructions. Use the ‘Sample Letter’. Watch the instructional video. There is no substitute for REAL letters. Do it NOW!!!

2. Email your Senators- This is NOT a substitute for REAL letters. Click here we have made it easy for you. www.rallycongress.com/united-states-ass ... ython-ban/

3. Contact the Media- ‘Pythons, Politics & Death of the American Dream’ campaign. Click on the links below:

• MSNBC- www.rallycongress.com/united-states-ass ... can-dream/
• CNN- www.rallycongress.com/united-states-ass ... can-dream/
• FOX News- www.rallycongress.com/united-states-ass ... can-dream/

The future of the Reptile Nation could be decided by what you as an individual are prepared to do over the next few days. Do not miss this opportunity to make a difference! Our community needs to pull together as never before. Do NOT let this be the final days of the Reptile Industry and Hobby!

Special Message to Industry Leaders: If you make your living in the reptile trade you need to do all of the things listed above that the rest of the Reptile Nation is doing... and more! It is your responsibility to get a meeting with your Senator and make your case. You represent the industry in your state. By making direct contact with your Senators you give them a reason to oppose S373. Jobs and the Economy are important. Make your case. The time is NOW!!!

www.Kill-S373.com - DEADLINE January 12, 2010... overnight mail by January 11th.

For questions contact:

Andrew Wyatt
President/ USARK
[email protected]
Kathy Love? I'm not sure she'll care one way or another if you post it here or not, lol, considering this is Rich Zuchowski's site. As for S373, there are MANY threads about this. We are all aware of it and many of us have sent in emails and letters... however, bumping them or creating new threads about them will hopefully attract the eye of people who may have ignored them before or are new here.
I am not a mod...

so have no input on where we put stuff, lol!

But this is really important, and the more people who see it in the most places - the better, in my opinion.