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keep them alive????

Should have bought momma mouse too! You can try keeping them warm in a "nest" of papper towels, but I don't know if they'll last that long. Handfeeding them at that size is practically impossible. Good luck.
If you have an extra heat mat and thermostat, I would set them up on that. Put it on roughly body temperature. If they're true pinkies (not even crawling), the chances are slim, but good luck.
Jrgh17 said:
If you have an extra heat mat and thermostat, I would set them up on that. Put it on roughly body temperature. If they're true pinkies (not even crawling), the chances are slim, but good luck.

yea thats what i did!
Hi There,

Pinks rarely last long on their own. I am curious as to why you would want to keep them alive? I would just put them out of their misery and pop them in the freezer personally...
They won't last long, they need constant feeding from mommy mice, so you should problably freeze them and then defreeze at the next meal, but I just give F/t to mine, not live.
one of the first pinkies we bought got refused by a joung jasmine, it stilll had its eyes closed and coundn't walk. We fed it with a syringe and kitten milk and we still have it as a breeder mouse. =D
That's quite an accomplishment! Even with a fine syringe, it's really easy for pinkies to aspirate the formula and die.