I'm not sure there is a "largest" corn breeder in Canada, until last year or so I would say that easily that title was held by Rebecca however she has scaled back significantly.
Now there are (in Alberta and BC) a lot more smaller scale "breeders". Next year we will have close to 40 females that will be breeding size but I have plans to only pair around 11-15 corns and 4-5 other species, there will be other corns paired here but it will all be "mainstream" stuff for my wholesale buyer.
Our plans for next season include but aren't limited to
Sunkissed Cinders (Shatters)
Cinder Bloods
Kastanie/Copper (JMG line animals)
Mandarin (if hets prove out)
Amel het Lava (if hets prove out)
Opal het Lava (if hets prove out)
Lavender het Lava (if hets prove out)
Anery Tessera het Amel or Ultra ph blood stripe
Tessera het Anery, Amel or Ultra ph blood stripe
Ultramel Anery
Ultramel Charcoal het Motley ph Caramel
Gold Dust het Charcoal, Motley
JMG line Coral Ghost Motley
....many others but it's late and I don't have my list handy and my brain has currently shut down for the evening.
I do have to say that the website that was previously listed for us was out of date and no longer in use but the host won't let us delete it for some reason, unfortunately unless you know to go to
our new site then most people will click on the first site that comes up in the search engine and it is not the right one. Our new site is current and up to date, just missing photos of our permanent residents.