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Lavender Female Het Caramel Diffused ("Bloodred") Hypo Motley or Stripe

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Kind of Corny
lavender het diffused bloodred hypo motley female corn snake.jpg

This is a 2015 lavender female with several hets and possible hets. She was produced from pairing my caramel plasma motley / stripe het amel (check him out on the Ian's Vivarium morph gallery) to a hypo het anery A, diffused, lavender stripe. So, she is 100% het caramel, diffued and hypo A with 50% chance of being het for amel and anery A. She is either het for motley or stripe, which means she will definitely be able to produce phenotypically motley offspring and maybe striped ones as well. She is docile, easy to handle and is currently feeding on frozen / thawed fuzzy sized mice regularly. I am asking $95 plus shipping, which is a flat rate of $50. Shipping is overnight with FedEx, and I am a certified FedEx reptile shipper. Payment is through PayPal and can be done directly on the RepStylin® website shopping cart (linked to my banner), which will allow you to pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal. You can find her and all other corns for sale on the "colubrid" page. No trades, holds or payment plans on animals. Thanks!
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