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Lavender stripe and lavender motley males


New member
I have a couple of '09 males that I cannot keep, but they are doing great and are more than ready to go. I am asking $70 for the lav stripe and $75 for the lavender motley. Both snakes are 67% poss het hypo.
The lav mot is going to turn into a screamer, but I will have to ad some pics of him on to this message later.
The lav stripe has the smallest, barely noticeable defect in his mid spine, you cannot see it, but I can feel it if I am looking for it; it does not seem to affect him in any way.
Shipping is overnight to your door and runs $45.
Thanks for looking, Brad Lichtenhan


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Is that a lavender stripe or a hypo lavender stripe? My guess is at LEAST het hypo. My lavender stripes were all darker than this little beauty! Of course being a male it's probably bound to be prettier anyway!

I'll be thinking about this one for sure!


Rebecca, it could be het hypo or even hypo, but since it is not a sure thing, I am not calling it either one, but it is very possible.

The lav mot pic is coming, I promise..... I have not been home enough recently to get it loaded off my home computer.

Thanks, Brad Lichtenhan
My hypo lav stripe male is actually quite a bit lighter than that, but pics always make it hard anyways. Will be a fun project for someone to figure out! He's beautiful and I wish I still had my little lav stripe from Brad.
Lav Mot pics

Here are a couple of pics of the lav mot male, then also a caramel mot female($45), a hypo stripe ph lavender female($55), and finally a ultramel motley($40). Thanks, Brad Lichtenhan


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It looks like #1 is the Ultramel Mot, #2 and #3 are the Lav Mot, #4 is the Hypo Stripe, and #5 is the Caramel Mot.

I wish I had the money for that Caramel Mot right now. She looks different compared to most of the Caramel Motleys I've seen. If she's still around in a month or so, I might send you an e-mail. :)
09 corns

Yes, the order of the snakes is Ultramel Motley, 2 of the lavender motley, then the hypo stripe and finally the caramel motley......the caramel mots grow into really cool looking snakes, with browns, dark caramel and subtle blue-greys, definitely one of my favorite corns. Thanks, Brad Lichtenhan