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Lay Versus Hatch Intervals.


New member
I`ve two clutches incubating now, the first are nearing their hatch date the other one is only just starting(4 days).The second clutch were all laid in a 24 hr period but the first clutch were laid over a week(they are diff females by the way),5 days seperating some of the eggs -all still look good.I was wondering is it likely that they will hatch at the same intervals at which they were laid or is it likely that they`ll hatch around the same time, the later eggs having lost no ground by being inside for longer or may they even hatch quicker.The female in question laid one clutch last year(her first) but all eggs were laid together within a few hours.
Just wondering whether the question was unclear or is it just that nobody that has checked yet knows.Knowing whether to expect the similar intervals or not could dictate how we judge if it`s time to assist particular eggs in pipping if say some have started and a day or so later some still havn`t.
I would assume that since, they were fertilized at the same time, and the eggs still develop before being laid, that they would still hatch around the same time, although in my last batch that were all laid at the same time, they took a 5 day period to hatch. Who knows?
Thanks WAS1 maybe the reverse will happen for me and they`ll all hatch on the same day.Isn`t a five day hatch period for the same clutch unusual did you assist the later eggs in pipping or just wait it out.
I believe the general school of thought is to manually pip any eggs that haven't shown signs of pipping after 24 hours from the first one.

I think I would wait for 24 hours from the majority rather than 24 hours from the first, just to be sure that one isn't a 'high achieving egg' that pips a little faster than its siblings. Also, if the heat gradient is different from one end of the clutch to the other, the warmer ones should hatch a little sooner than the cooler ones.
Thanks Princess i think that`s what i`ll do.Getting pretty exited now it`s day 56, last year her first clutch(which was our first ever corn clutch too) hatched at 58/59 days so it shouldn`t be long.
Cheers Rob, make sure you put up lots of pics for us to oooh and ahhhhh over! I've a clutch incubating right now that's only at day 21 and I wish I had a little window on the side of the egg that I could peek in and look at them through....patience isn't my strong-point!!!
-my other female had her pre lay shed yesterday morning and is already cruising the viv impatiently so I wonder if she'll lay in 2 days??? It would be early by average standards...but I won't complain...I want those eggs!!!!!!
Yeah it`s pretty exiting stuff we have one other clutch that`s only seven days in it`s from the female i put in russells `Monster` thread.Speaking of which she`s still refusing food and we`ve offered a range of sizes so i`m a little worried about her.Hope you get that early surprise with the second clutch your waiting for but i`d bet you`ll wait a few more days at least but you never know.
Robertk.. I just left mine to hatch naturally, without any help.
Interestingly, the last snake to hatch on the 5th day was also the biggest.
None showed any signs of stress, and all ate immediately.
I`m a big fan in letting nature take it`s course. If a hatchling isn`t strong enough to leave the egg, tough. This may sound harsh, but in the wild theirs no one there to help. Only my opinion. I`ve never had one not hatch yet tho.
Thanks for the extra info WAS1.Maybe i`ll not be too hasty and see how they progress naturally -Still undecided as to whether i`ll intervene or not.Thanks again.
It`s Started.

Here we Go!!!!!!! Just to let you guys know the first egg has pipped (on what is day 59 ,exactly like last year) within the last hour or so.Lets hope the rest follow suit -It`s a small clutch (10 originally 2 of which were slugs) of the remaining 8, 1 went bad but i`m hoping that six if not all seven of the rest will make it.I`ll keep you posted and start a new thread with pics asap.
First to WAS1, I totally get your point about animals that aren't strong enough to make it on their own being 'let go' but I'd just shoot myself if I had one that wasn't able to pip (due to an extra thick shell or what-not) and it turned out to be an awesome snake or perhaps even a new variety ...isn't that every hobby breeders dream!!!

And second to Rob.....WA-HOOOOOO

I want photos and lots of them!!!!!

I have eggs at day 30 now and it's killing me!
About 18 hours in and still only the one egg pipped and the little 'pippiee' for want of a better word still hasn`t stuck more than the very tip of its nose out it`s really teasing me not to get a good look at it.It looks like this little clutch are going to put my patience to the test after all-Just my luck.
Robertk said:
About 18 hours in and still only the one egg pipped and the little 'pippiee' for want of a better word still hasn`t stuck more than the very tip of its nose out it`s really teasing me not to get a good look at it.It looks like this little clutch are going to put my patience to the test after all-Just my luck.

I remember my first clutch of piplings. One of the snows (who was my biggest and most aggressive hatchling) actually got half-way out of the egg, and then retracted back in, like he didn't want to go out into the cold world. It was funny. Unfortunately for me though, my eggs are still a few weeks away from being laid. Oh well, I'll have pics of the eggs when they're laid (complete with the protective mother) and I'll hopefully get a few amazing hatchlings and maybe even get to keep some extras that won't really be involved in my kisatchie project. Hehehehehehe.
Good news, i hope you get what some good looking little ones.It`s now 48 hours since the first egg pipped it has finally emerged and three more eggs have pipped, still waiting on 3 more to pip,they all look normal so far but will be het for caramel.My sister has gone abroad with the camera so i`ll have to see if i can borrow one to put up some pics.
Final results.

Well just to let anyone reading this thread know I let mother naturetake it`s course and didn`t intervene.All seven eggs hatched without difficulty over a five day period.It will sure give me a little more patience in the future.Also of note was the fact that the two eggs that where laid 5 days later than the main clump hatched last on the 4th and 5th days respectively.
Robertk said:
Also of note was the fact that the two eggs that where laid 5 days later than the main clump hatched last on the 4th and 5th days respectively.

That's very interesting. It's always good to know about these patterns. I wonder what kind of timeframe Bruneux's (dionithicus' snake) eggs will take to hatch seeing there was something like a 50 day spread between the first and the last????

I have a female laying as I type...very exciting!