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Leonard Is home!!!


New member
Hey guys just a quick update i went to the show this mourning to look for a good corn and much to my dismay i didnt see any after fighting through the crowds of kids i finally found 3 albino motley types better than nothing i thought i had my gf with me she made me pick the one with the heart pattern on its head :bang: anyway the guy told me he hadnt fed them this week due to the show so i decided i would wait till monday to feed leonard he seems to enjoy his new cage and coconut cave alot but he seemd real slim and scrawny so i figured worse case scenario i would buy a pinky he wouldnt eat it so i went down bought a pinky and thawed it out laid it on a table and got him out he seen the pinky and nearly jumped outa my hand after it hehe i just hope he doesn't regurge and im not sure if i would be able to tell the difference of a regurge or just a poop he seems to be ok i just have one more question is it possible to handle a snake to much (not right after eating) but throughout the rest of teh week ?
Bustacapp said:
is it possible to handle a snake to much (not right after eating) but throughout the rest of teh week ?
Yes, you can easily handle a snake too much. Unless you purchase an adult pet, the odds are your snake hasn't been handled much, save for moving from bin to feeding tub. Handling a snake unfamiliar with the treatment will cause undo stress on the snake. Wean him into being handled, a bit at a time. Allow him to settle into his new home for a couple of days, them handle him for no more that five minutes at a time, two or three times a day. After a week, gradually increase the amount of time you are holding him as he gets used to it.
It all depends upon the snake. My first snake (an amel as well by the way) was mellow from day one. I didn't know about leaving them alone back then and held him all the way home from the show and each day after that. He ate the 3rd day home. I did leave him alone for 48 hrs. but held him often. He just didn't care. He was always mellow, always ate. If your snake is eating out in the open with no problem, most likely it's also a mellow fellow! If he seems to just hang out with you and isn't making frantic escape attempts, I would handle him for short periods as you want. If he seems to be really nervous, start with less frequent, shorter times. My snake went on to father 21 babies, and is now a class mascot for one of the teachers on this forum. Yours will probably be just as awesome! And to echo Maize....where's the pictures???
As soon as i get ahold of a camera ill post some pics when i get him out to hold him he is always exploring around checking things out he even licked my dogs nose he doesnt seem to be scared or shy or anything and he loves his coconut cave havent handled him since i fed him i figure i may give it a day or so is that long enough ?
Give it at least 48 hrs. That should be sufficient if he's only on pinkies. Larger mice might take them 3 days to digest but that's a ways away. Sounds like you got a great first corn.
How do i tell the difference between a poop and a regurge or ist it real obviouse Sorry it seems like a dumb question to seasoned snake addicts but im totally new
Most regurges are very smelly, slimy and occasionally the mouse will be black and gooey.
"let your snake be your guide"

Much like MegF., my first corn, Sammi Snake, was handled ALOT when we first got her. I didn't know a whole lot about them outside of the very basic care requirements, and since she was a pet for my 3 yr old daughter, she was handled frequently. She never tried to escape, and never tried to "run away". She was just a mellow snake from the word go.

If your snake is a "cruiser", and just wants to check things out...let him do so. Just try really hard to ALWAYS put him away when he is being calm. I know it's tough to do, but if you only put him away when he is getting "antsy", you will "train" him to be an antsy snake. If you always put him away calm and happy, he will not feel the need to try and escape, because he will learn you are no threat, and home is nearby.

Good Luck, and POST PICTURES!!