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Hey everyone!!! Anyone who has had the same or similar experience, please help.

I purchased my male albino Leopard Gecko (Willow) from the pet store in August-September of last year. He was very thin, pale, had a sore on the side of his face by his nose, and black toes.

About 2-3 months in my care, he plumped up, his colors got bright, and both his sores and black toes went away after a few sheds. We decided to call him Chubbs as a nickname. Well around December, he stopped eating Crickets all together but occasionally ate mealworms. Then he went eating from every other day, to once a week, to not at all. It completely stopped since February and March.

I leave fresh mealworms in his bowl everyday along with Fresh water. He lives in a 15 gal, with the warm side now being 90-95 cool side is 70-75 (winter time it's 85-90 warm, 75-80 cool). I use coconut fiber bedding, and I even picked up calcium drops for his water.

Recently I ordered waxworms, phenoix worms, and butterworms to see if he would like those. His tale seems to be fat, he has dropped his chub weight so looks normal now. He has shed a few times, drinks water, poops every so often. I just have NO CLUE why he won't eat. Yet he seems pretty active.

Does anyone know what is going on or what should I do? Thanks in advance for everyones input.
Wish I could help, I'm having the same problem with my frilled lizard now too.
Maybe try hornworms as well?
Hope your baby gets better as well. If mine starts losing fat in his tail, I'll take him to the vet. After the ones I ordered, if they don't work. I'll try those then. Thanks a bunch for your concerns!!
Good luck, I wish I could help. Hopefully appetite will pick up with the new feeders coming!
I would get rid of the coco fiber and switch to newspaper or paper towels. Don't use any kind of substrate they can ingest because it can cause blockages. Have you notice if he has been pooping?
No not at all. I don't feed him in the tank unless the worms are in his bowl. I fed him the crickets in a different box. You still think that he ingested some? If he has, worst case scenario, what can the vet do?
They can still poop if they have a blockage. He may have still ingested some. If he grabbed a worm out of the dish and dropped it, then ate it again off the floor, he could have ingested some. Or maybe accidently got some in his mouth and just swallowed it. Either way, I would definitly remove loose substrate. If you want a more natural looking alternetive to newspaper or paper towels, you can go to Lowes/Home Depot/Menards or the like and get some slate tile, or those stick on tiles with the adhesive back(these are what I use). This isn't for sure the case, but is a possibility.
Double post, sorry!

How are you heating his tank?

Other possibilities: Maybe he is tired of eating the same thing. You could try feeding phoenix worms, silkworms, hornworms, or dubia roaches.

If he still doesn't eat, I would take him to the vet to check for impaction or sickness.
I just bought waxworms, phenoix worms, crickets, and butterworms. He has a UTH. It's 90-95 on the warm side and 75-80 cool side.
Hmm. If he still isn't eating after you try all the other food items, here's a recipe for Gecko Slurry I found online.

1 small can Hill's A/D pet food (available at most vets)

1/4 cup Ensure (not chocolate)

1 jar baby food squash or pumpkin

1/4 cup Pedialite

*2 tabs or contents of 2 capsules milk thistle (herbal supplement, liver purifier, found at most drug stores).

*2 tabs or contents of 2 capsules of Acidophilus (GI system probiotic, found at most drug stores).

1 tsp. calcium powder w/Vitamin D3

1/2 tsp. herp vitamin powder

2-4 X-large handful of mealworms, added slowly while mixture is blending until it is about the consistency of a milkshake.

Get a syringe and fill it with the slurry and then drop little bits at a time on the tip of their nose and they usually lick it off. If they are stubborn then you would have to force feed them.

You can substitute superworms for mealies as there will be less shell, less chance for constipation or diarhea from too much fiber.
try to avoid waxworms, they tend to get stuck on them like bps do with african soft furs, and they arent much nutrition, its like a big mac for geckos. really high in fatty content.
A/D is a prescription pet food and you will not be able to get it without a vet's prescription.
I think we have that here for one of Our cats from the vet? At this point any food will do just to have him eat, maybe it will get his appetite back if he eats something?