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Lethargic while in blue?


New member
I've noticed lately that my baby corn doesn't spend much time out of his hide. At first I thought maybe he was just a little more shy than the norm, but I've purchased plants he can use as cover and a nicer hide for the warm side of his viv and he still spends almost no time at all out in the open. In the past week, I've yet to see him out and about in the evening. When I first got him (early October) he was exploring his viv every night at almost 7:00 pm sharp.

He is in blue right now. His eyes have been fogged up for around two days. Is it normal for corns to stay in hiding 24/7 while they're getting ready to shed?

If I take him out of his viv, he is very energetic. He's eating fine (one pinkie every Sunday), and the temps for his viv are ~75 on the cool side, ~86 on the warm side. Since winter just blew in here at full force the temps have been swinging a lot more than usual but I'm careful to monitor them and make sure they don't dip too low or peak too high (this picture is from a dip down and the temp was corrected soon after I took it).

It's normal, but it sucks!! Mines been hiding since last Friday. Her eyes were blue for about 4 days are now clear so shed is any day now. I wish she still came out once in a while though
Same here one of the ones I rescued has been blue for 4 days and is hiding out like a crook his eyes are clear today so it wont be long now till he's out and about and in new skin.
I've been known to poke my girl to make sure she's still alive, because she won't even look up at me if I lift her hide. I know, I know, I need to just leave her be.