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Lifer- Salamander


Well-known member
I found two of these in Northern Arizona yesterday. Very exciting! Does anyone know what they are? After research, my only thought is that they could be the larval stage (they were good size- a few inches long) of the Barred Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma mavortium.

He/she was difficult to photograph under the water.
I live on the other side of the US so I'm no help, but that salamander is wicked cool. :]
I personally have never seen any in the wild.
Yep, that is a barred tiger salander in it's larval stage. My grandfather used to go fishing in the colorado river in Havasu they would sell them as bait they called them waterdogs or mudpuppies. He brought some lives one home for me from one of his fishing trips and I put them in an aquarium they all went through their larval stages and made it to adult hood. Then the dominant one of the group ate the others :( but that one lived for almost 15 years and it would eat 2-3 whole nightcrawlers 3 times a week. It was a beautiful animal black with yellow markings along it's body.