New member
I have done a lot of research here and on the web and haven’t found an answer for certain… my adult has scales lifting along his belly. I have been giving him betadine soaks for scale rot but they stress him an awful lot. If it’s not actually scale rot I want to stop! He is not bothered by the scales (shows no discomfort when they get caught on clothes), they look normal otherwise (no redness or blistering). Does anyone recognize this? It’s not a small section, it is most of his belly. All scales on the rest of him are normal. It’s been going on for a month or so and I’ve been treating him twice daily for five days. When I put him in his lukewarm bath (betadine mixed with water 1:3) this morning, he went crazy and was bashing against the side and lid… he’s gradually gotten more upset with the baths, instead of getting used to them… I leave him in it for 5 minutes before drying him and spraying him with reptile safe antiseptic. He doesn’t mind that part at all. In the photo, the colouring is from the betadine. Thank you so much for your help! I’m new here, trying to do the best for my snakes!