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Lighting Question...


Divalicious Member
Oy! you guys are probably sick of my many many many questions... Sorry to be annoying. Just trying to learn all I can..

OK... lighting... has anyone found any benefits or drawbacks to using incandescent bulbs as opposed to florescents?

Also, I've had a hard time getting the heat to change between night and day using both day and night lights... what kind of wattage difference do most people use between day and night lights? (Currently, since it's summer, I've opted to just turn off the light at night and let the temp fall naturally, as it has been warm at night.)

Thanks! :D
I use incandescents. I tried fluorescents, and have the vent along the top of the cages to use them if I wish, but chose incandescents to provide a basking spot, which I do find is used.
I have posted this pic before of some of our cages, but here it is again:


In the cooler months before we brumate them and just after they come out of brumation, we use UTH as well. The UTH are on 24 hours, and the lights only in the day.

Now in the heat of summer, I have different wattage bulbs in the different levels since the top cages get the additional heat from the lower cages and so only need a less powerful bulb.

I don't use any artificial lighting of any type. They get the light that filters through the room from the windows, but nothing beyond that. No ill effects at all.
No light here either...except whatever goes in from the window or lamps in the room. Built a five level sweater boxed sized rack out of melamine with a cabinet at the bottom...looks like regular furniture and they only get light in from the front...and not much. I find they come out more now that there is less light than the tanks, maybe it is just me.
Mine are in the basement - no light there unless I provide it - hence my above post,