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Likely regurge. Advice please!


My cornsnake seems to have regurgitated a meal that she was fed on friday last week! I was a bit worried yesterday that she still seemed very fat after 4 days and had only produced one (albeit v large) poo on tuesday.

I am not at home so I cant describe the substance to you very well, but my GF says it is creamy brown, very slimy and she thinks it may have a pinkish tinge in places. The snake seems fine and is moving round the tank looking alert.

Ive asked her to bag it up and have booked a vets appointment for Saturday morning.

In combination with the greenish tinge to her eurea that I posted about last week I am now pretty worried that she might have an infection of some kind. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
A single regurge doesn't necessarily warrent a vet visit, IMO. I'd wait for 7-10 days and try to feed again.

I've seen fuzzies pass completely through the snake in the normal fashion but since it wasn't completely digested, it closely resemble a regurge in appearance.

This big question is how long did the food stay inside before returning outside??

She was fed friday night and the possible regurge was left around midday today. Last night I did notice that she still had a large lump in her belly that if anything was bigger than it was when she swallered the mouse on friday. This kinda made me think that it was rotting, although thats just a guess. I am itching to get home and have a good look at the substance in question. If you guys are really lucky I may even post a picture of it for opinions. Sorry no, im not kidding. :D

The vets visit is not just because I suspect a regurge. I am a little worried about the green tinge to her urea that I saw last week and although some people have told me thats normal a lot of people have also told me that it is a possible sign of trouble. Plus she hasnt had a vet visit yet (ive only had her a few months) and I want to get a faecal exam done in any case. It will also give me a good opportunity to vet the vet (sorry) so that I am confident he/she will be able to help if my snake ever has anything seriously wrong with her.

I really do appreciate the help given.
5-6 days is a long time to keep down food before regurging. Regurges will normally occur within 2-4 days of feeding. I'd suspect that the mouse may have passed through but didn't get completely digested.

A vet checks never hurt............except in the ol' wallet. ;)
hmmm, that was one of my thoughts CAV. Besides, now ive got home and seen the little baggie I am pretty sure its not a regurge. Although im a still planning a visit to the Vet. They quoted me £20 for the consultation and treatments are extra which seems reasonable so far.
Post visit to the vet.

Well I took my snake to the vets on Saturday. Her eyes went blue for shed that morning as well, bless her. The vet gave her a clean bill of health although he was puzzled by the puke/faeces sample I took with me. It was clear for bacteria and the like but he said he wasnt sure if it was excrement or regurgitated food!? Ah well, he also refused to probe her as he seemed to think she was to young (seven months ish) which I can accept as justified caution as Im not too bothered about the sex until she hits sexual maturity anyway.

To sum up she seems fine and ill just have to see how she feeds after her shed.