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Lil babies no more


New member
It's been a while since I put up pictures of my four anery babies. Tonight was feeding night and for a change I remembered to bring the camera. This wasn't a photo shoot (sorry Elle) so there's no good background, but as you can see, they were all 'working.'

Aice is a whopping 146g as of tonight. She's never turned down a meal, be she in blue, deep blue, or in the middle of shedding for that matter:


Ralph, who's starting to really have a nice silvery head. He's 110g and making sure the mouse is good and dead:


Trixie, who is still the sweetest thing, execept for last week when she thought my pinky was, er, a pinky. No worries, though, I immediately self-medicated. She's 108g:


Last but not least, is Ed, Alice's brother. Ed's always been the runt, but he's doing just fine at 88g:


Thanks for looking!
Yeah, I'm such a loser. I keep letting work interfere with keeping up to date here. And now I'm about to start a new job as an independant consultant, and I probably won't have any time to screw off!

Isn't in interesting how Trix and Ed have taken on sort of a peachy hue while Alice and Ralph are more silvery? They're all great little critters.