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Little stinker!


New member
My hubby just about had a panic attack last night when he went to change Fluffy's water and couldn't find him anywhere in the cage. He's in a 29 gal critter cage that my Dh has filled with several plants, hides, etc. Dh had looked everywhere he could think to look, dug through the aspen, and was beginning to empty out the cage item by item. He pulled out a big piece of grapevine and gave it a quick once-over, and was about to drop it on the floor when something caught his eye in a little crack. That darn little snake had found a way to crawl into the grapevine!

Later in the evening he poked his head out to say hello.


When I had my first cornsnake , I had a nice glass 4x2x2 viv for him. It was very basic, paper on the floor, a branch, a hide and a water bowl that was a large pub ashtray. On about the third day I looked in the viv and couldn't see him. I moved his hide, nothing. I panicked. The paper was too thin for him to be under it, after all he was 4 1/2 ft, so I knew it had escaped. I looked everywhere for him, I even started to dismantle the house!
Eventually a mate of mine came around, and I told him what had happened. He then started helping me look.
After about 2 hrs we decided to give up looking and my mate said to me "you may as well empty that viv, your gonna need another snake" I reluctantly agreed and opened the viv and took out the hide took out the branch and when I lifted the water bowl there he was, coiled up under it.Lucky my mate saw it as when I told people what had happened and showed them the water bowl most never believed me as it looked too impossible to be true.
So now whenever I can't find a snake, I know it's because I haven't looked properly.LOL
Glad you found him! I just had a lost and found snake in a hide last week- I modified the hide so that can't happen again! I lost Choco in her moist hide once, too, if you can believe that.
One of mine hid from me by wedging himself right at the top of a hide. I just lifted it up to look for him underneath and did't think to turn it over and look inside.

The little beggar stayed there for a fortnight, including two panicked emptyings of the viv and substrate where I was looking for him (the hide was left outside the viv for at least 20 minutes at a time on each occasion).

I beat myself up for letting him escape until the day I looked into the viv only to see him sauntering across the floor. As soon as he noticed I was watching, he shot back under the hide and wedged himself again. It was only then that I figured out what had been happening. :eek:
Ha ha. Thanks to you guys I am now prepared for the day I can't find my snake. :)