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local reptile shop


New member
had to go to my local reptile shop saturday to get some things and he had some monster corns in there they was about 3 half foot long but they were really fat so i asked him wot does he feed them and he said 3 mice a week is this ok to do as im gonna see if mine will eat this many coz i want mine to be that fat they looked great opioins please...:confused:
I'd think three mice a week is considered over feeding- it can cause alot of stress on the snake. Anyways, if they are fed properly about once a week they can still get prety plump. :)

Wot (spelled "what" in the english lauguange)(keystrokes never killed anyone) stress can lead to is death--not always but sometimes. I would say that 3 adult mice once a week is a bit much for a three foot corn. One a week is fine. If you want a big fat snake, purchase a Burmese python. I know a few people that insist on feeding there snakes until the refuse food. In the wild snakes will eat their fill, becuase food may not come along for weeks or more. In captivity snakes are afforded a feeding schedule. This guarantees a healthy animal if all other conditions are satisfied(proper temps and excercise). It is possible for snakes to get FAT. Their instinct for the hunt is still in their brain--and they will over eat if food is available. Unless you are pumping up a gravid female, I would suggest a regular feeding schedule that meets the demands of the size of your snake.
i have a five foot female corn who ate 3 mice a week after she had doubled clutched and in about 2 months she had totally recovered. Now she was rake thin after the second clutch - so any snake thats 3foot long eating 3 mice a week is going to turn into a little fat rolly polly and as people have said more than likely dead before it reachs any age. Fatness in snakes definaltey kills
cheers for the input guys u have more than answered my question ill stick to my 1 monster mouse a week . thanks everybody...;)
I have a huge thing with this because I think so many people do this without knowing but 3large mice per week and a monster mouse for a 2ft will fatten them up quicker and get them breeding size and weight quicker this is so they breed sooner and sell better BUT what they don't say is "yes we power feed but it can and does shorten their lives" feed 1.5 x the width of the snake. Like I said i think soooo many people power feed and a lot of those don't even realise and more so in desperation to show off their big fat snake but in my opinion it's better to do what's best for the snake like keeping them together ok they may not eat each other but it's not best for THEM so I don't agree with it so many people do what's easier for them not whats best for the snake. I would personally stick to your current feeding schedule but if you choose to go ahead read up on power feeding first so you see all the pros and cons.

Some Corns get fat to easily. I have one 5 1/2 foot male that I have a job keeping thin no less fat, he only has 1 medium mouse in a fortnight.
They look real ugly when they get fat so as you can see the skin stretch between the scales.