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New member
Our first snake and our biggest baby! At one point his entire body was wrapped around my two hands which were together, and it was a challange to get my hands apart! LOL anyways a couple pics from today, after a shed.

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2loki07-08-03.jpg">
<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/3loki07-08-03.jpg">

thanks for looking!

Loki was born in May 2001. So he is two years old now. He is between 40-45 inches maybe? I don't really know since I never measure them unless the opportunity presents itself.

He is a GREAT snake! Not only has he grown like a WEED in the last two years, but this year he fathered my clutch of 19 eggs, which all seem fertile! No brumation either. :) I love this guy! :)

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/loki03-07-03.jpg">