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Lonely Hearts Thread


New member
If you are single, 18+, and looking to meet new friends, then this is thread for you. It would make me very happy and warm my heart if I could help reptile folk meet right here in our community and begin a new friendship or find a blossoming of a new romance.

Post where you are from, your hobbies, maybe a pic if you want to, and what you are seeking in a new relationship. (Not too explicit if you know what I mean s'il vous plait )

Cupid, drawback your bow.......:D
As a prior member of the CS.com match-making club, I can tell you it really does work!!!

(The side-effect is that your house will rapidly become utterly filled to the brim with snakes and other reptiles, along with heat lamps, back issues of Reptiles magazine and 18,000 books on herp keeping, thus leading to a lack of visitation from non-obsessed family and friends)
I agree, this is a fantastic place to find the person of your dreams. <3
As a prior member of the CS.com match-making club, I can tell you it really does work!!!

(The side-effect is that your house will rapidly become utterly filled to the brim with snakes and other reptiles, along with heat lamps, back issues of Reptiles magazine and 18,000 books on herp keeping, thus leading to a lack of visitation from non-obsessed family and friends)

Such a deal!!! On top of the usual benefits one looks for in a romatnic relationship, you get all this extra added stuff!!!

Sign up now!!!!
Q: Why does it take 1 million sperm cells to fertilize a single egg?
A: Because not one is willing to stop and ask for directions.
Your happy now aren't you!!! Ha!!

But I hope that wasn't your best shot!


We love y'all, despite it all :)
Without y'all, we'd have to pay for aggravation! :roflmao:

Seriously, a couple is more than the sum of their parts.....