Hey, thanks for the feedback. A bit of background. Cruella began regurging mid-December for the first time.
I found a regurge from the 8th of December in her tank on the 15th. I had been away up north in Pennsylvania when it happened. So temps obviously fluctuated too much. I fed her upon my return on the 15th (just one pink) as I figured it had been probably 5 - 6 days since it happened. She kept the one down. I know I should have waited longer for her to build the acid in her stomach back up...
Anyway, so I fed her on the 23rd, two pinks this time. Regurged again and temps were fine. So, my guess was I had just been not waiting long enough. So, then I waited 10 days for the next feed (one pink), she kept it down. That feeding was on the 7th of January.
Leoric had no issues over this time period, though his temps tend to stay a bit more consistent as Cruella is closer to our ceiling fan that my wife feels needs to run all night... so it's about 2 - 3 degrees less ambient than the rest of the room around there.
Long story short, moved the viv, waited longer between feeds, checked temps, etc. Looks good right now. But, I haven't cleaned viv since regurges. Just spot cleaned. Haven't had time... I know, I'm terrible. I am cleaning both vivs today and will be looking for sheds. She has never shed under the bedding before, but maybe it is in a hide stuck somewhere and I just don't see it.
I'll let you guys know if I find one as I clean. Her colors looked more bright the other day, so it struck me as odd. I didn't see a shed anywhere immediate. My guess is she snuck one in on me.
The good thing is I think she's healthy again. How long should I keep her on solo pinks? Two feedings? Three? I would think she has built back up enough acid to return to normal, yes? Just hesitant to go to two again as she did ok with the solo one before and the regurged the two next time around. Though this time I waited longer between feeds.