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Looking to get a corn, A few questions.


New member
Well because this is the introduction form ill start out by introducing myself I guess.

My names Ben I like in Massachusetts I like to surf snowboard and ski (A little better at Skiing). I will work as part of a "Zoo Crew" this sumer and love animals. I have a 8 Month old bearded Dragon named Arya who has been fighting Hookworms and Coccidia for 3 months and is finally rid of the worms and has a lower count of coccidia.

Ive been trying to get my parents to let me get a corn, I'm pretty sure they will give in, just gotta be patient. My dad is indifferent and thinks their cool and my mom thinks there "Boring" "Gross" and "Creepy" but she said that about my dragon and now she likes it.

I have been looking around at breeders and have Emailed one, PMed another and Just look at a bunch. The one I emailed is all out and haven't got the PM back. I just recently Checked out Kathy Loves website and like her Okeetee's.

Can youTell me if this setup is good?

-20 long
-2 heat pads. One on hot side and one on the wall of the cool side at lowest setting.
-Hot end temps 84-87. Cool 73-76
-Substrate is paper towels and will switch to aspen as the snake gets older.
-1 rock cave on the warm side and going to get either a log or a plastic cave thing to make a humid hide.
-1 water bowel
-1 lock for the top
-1 digital thermomiter
- Months of research on my part.

Anything missing or need to be changed?

Can anyone answer a few questions?

What is better F/T or Live mice?
Are Mice or rat pinks better?
Do corns get parasites other then mites?
Is there any sicknesses that are common that may need vet attention? (my mom thinks it will be like my dragon 3 vet visits 4 fecals and $600 later finally on the road to healthy living)
Will it ever need a bigger tank? A 40 breeder will be empty in a few months once I move my dragon to a bigger tank.
Do I gutload or supplement the mice/rats (like with rep-cal calcium or vitamins)?
Do I bath the snake and how often or do I just have water in their?
Do I need to mist it?

And my last question is if anyone is or knows a breeder that has Sunglows, Molteys, Hypos, Okeetees, Bloodreds, Candycanes or anything of red/orange coloration Left from the '06 season?

Thanks for any questions you answer, Off to look at snakes and work on my parents letting me get one, (they will).

Cya around
What is better F/T or Live mice?
Generally if your snake will eat f/t, go for that. Live mice can wound your snake (regreful experience speaking), and f/t is easier to deal with anyway. (-: You can feed live but I would very highly suggest you supervise your snake! (-:

Is there any sicknesses that are common that may need vet attention?
Corns are generally healthy creatures; I've had one for three years now (now I have two but not for all three years) and have had no problems. Most health concerns that I've heard of are genrally mild if treated properly and quickly.

Will it ever need a bigger tank? A 40 breeder will be empty in a few months once I move my dragon to a bigger tank.
20 is fine even for an adult snake by many peoples' standards. However, I know people certainly go for larger and a large snake may benefit from that.

Do I gutload or supplement the mice/rats (like with rep-cal calcium or vitamins)?
No, this is not necessary.

Do I bath the snake and how often or do I just have water in their?
Generaly I believe most people only bathe their snakes if it is necessary due to an unsucessful shed, or possibly a medicated bath. I tried it once and MJ hated it, so I only do it when absolutely necessary! Do provide fresh water in teh enclosure at all times. None of my snakes bath themselves in it like I've seen pythons do, but it's possible that some would I suppose.

Do I need to mist it?
I typically only mist if I suspect it is needed for a more complete shed, or randomly once in awhile. I have heard people give the advice that it's a good idea to mist when the snake is in the blue but otherwise it doesn't matter.

Good luck, hope that helps!
Also in your list of supplies you might want to ad a thermostat to regulate the temp. of the Under Tank Heater...I saw that you want to get 2...unless your room is very cold naturally or gets cold in the winter..I don't see any reason for another UTH to go on the side of the tank by the cool side..I let my apartment generate the heat and coolness for the cool side and it has never gone below 73..Again though..if you like your room cold or if it gets cold in the winter..another UTH wouldn't hurt to keep it at a good temp..but remember the thermostat...Under tank heaters can reach up to 120 degrees if not controled by a thermostat or rheostat...

Also many people suggest to feed your snake in a different tank from the one he lives in..This helps with the snake not going for your hand when you go to handle him, and if you have aspen it can get him away from the aspen which should never be injested because that can cause problems and you could possibly be looking at a visit to the vet if it doesn't pass through the snake on it's own..

I feed both my snakes already dead mice..as Jollie said..mice can hurt your snake if he doesn't eat them right away and they are alive to bite it..Pictures I've seen of this were not pleasant..

You can always find people on this forum who are selling corn snakes..It's always a good idea to buy from a breeder rather then a pet store...The breeder will be able to give you a better idea on it's genetic background, it's health and feeding habits, possibly sex and age...A pet store usually won't know much about the snake they sell you...and you run into the possibility of getting a corn that could be sick or have mites..I bought Maize from "Petsmart" and luckily she is perfectly healthy and a very good eater..but I have heard of people who bought snakes from stores and had some health issues...But yes..you can find plenty of people on here who are always selling snakes of all colors and types..

I only mist the tank when I see my snake is about to shed or is in a shedding process...sometimes I will mist outside a shedding phase..only if the humidity is really low...I usually like to try to keep it at 30...when their shedding I try to keep it up at 40-45...but be careful with misting..If you get to much humidity you could run into problems like scale rot and respiratory problems..

I'm sorry...I'm making it sound like owning a snake is a constant struggle of perfection..It really isn't so bad...I'm just putting out the precautions since you have already had issues with your lizard...But owning a snake is a great feeling..hence why I just got another one 2 days ago...so now I have a male and female and I plan on breeding them eventually...good luck in your search for a snake :0)
Well my room is usually 65ish, I dont know why but its always colder then what It should be. Thats why the second is on the side, just to increase it a few degrees. The one UTH for the hot side has 5 different levels that are about 3 degrees different and I can easily move it from 83-86-89 no problem. If this becomes difficult to maintain I will get a thermostat.

I know a accasional vet visit would be needed but what I meant by that question was if there is any big problems that are hard to get away.

Thanks for the help.

Do you guys perfur aspen or paper towels for a new snake until I get his care down good. I was thinking paper towels were more hygenic and easier until I figure everything out.
Crazydude said:
Do you guys perfur aspen or paper towels for a new snake until I get his care down good. I was thinking paper towels were more hygenic and easier until I figure everything out.

I like to start out with paper towels so I can monitor their "bathroom habits" easier. Like are they going regularly and does it look normal. Then I switch to aspen. They love to tunnel in it.

It's awesome how much research you have done / are doing before getting a corn snake. Kudos to you!