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Loose skin.


New member
I've noticed that my corn (about one year old now, named Draco) has got recently developed a sort of 'bunched' skin under his chin and to the side of his neck (immediately posterior to his head). It's not very conspicuous but it gives him an almost dewlap appearance. Unfortunately I can't investigate closely as he's just about to enter ecdysis. It hasn't affected his health, appetite, jaw position, mobility or anything, but I'm wondering what it is. I've consulted Kathy Love's book but I can't seem to find anything relevant - although looking at the images in the book it seems that the baby corns don't have it and the older ones seem to. So I'm not sure if this 'loose skin' is something that appears with maturity, or if it's something I need to keep a eye on?
He's my first corn so I'm probably over reacting/being naive, but any comments/advice would be apprieciated.

Thanks in advance,

He also has a constant supply of fresh water which is changed nightly, so I doubt that dehydration is the cause :S
I believe the answer might lie in your question. Snakes skin does appear to get rather loose and wrinkly right before a shed, especially around the head and neck as I have nocticed. There is also often a slight buldge under the neck and head due to a slight constriction of bloodflow before the shed. I would wait to see if its still there after the shed. Can you get a picture of it? Was it there before he went into shed?
Thanks for replying!

It appeared a couple of days before his eyes clouded over, I guess it makes sense if it is due to a shed! I'll wait and see if it clears with his shed before posting a pic etc.
Thanks for the advice,

Just a quick update, the constriction disppeared after his shed, so I guess you were right! Thanks for the advice.
