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Lost a baby corn; how to disinfect enclosure w/o ruining thermostat probe


New member
We just lost our baby corn after spending weeks trying to get him to eat. We tried as many of Nanci's tricks for stubborn eaters that we were able to without trying too often and nothing worked. He never showed any interest in pinkies regardless of how we tried to feed him.

We'd like to try again, this time with another breeder since this breeder gave us some questionable advice and then was unwilling to respond to our requests for info and/or answers to some of the follow up questions we had.

I'm reading about how to disinfect the enclosure and am wondering how we might be able to do this without ruining the thermostat probe that we glued to the glass. I don't want it to get destroyed with bleach/ammonia but want to make sure we are making the tank as safe as possible for the future. Thanks for any tips or advice.
Really sorry to head that. Shame on the breeder, as well.

Since it's for another animal I would do bleach, since it's one of the strongest products.
You could also use a veterinarian desinfectant I have heard people there in the US use, called F10, or Nolvasan.
There is also clorhexidine, and ultimately you can steam clean everything since it's the method used for babies and one of the most effective while leaving no residues.

You may want to use 2 of the methods above (not simultaneously, of course!, just one after another) to ensure a better cleaning.

I used the bleach solution at first, but it left a lot of smells and I didn't like it so I changed methods. Anyway, it didn't destroy my probes but I'm not sure if it could interact with your glue.

I hope this helps, and wish you luck with the new critter.