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Lost and Found!


New member
Monday night, as I was preparing to feed my 2 yr old male corn Cherry, I went to his cage to get him out, and he was no where to be found. His lid was on and all 4 clips were clipped down (later I figured out the one in the back was not tight at all and he could have easily pushed the lid open) My hubs and I tore up the living room looking for him, moving dressers snake cages etc, with no luck, my husband heads back to look at the water heater (which is 4 rooms away from our living room where the cage was) because he remembers hearing something about water heaters being a source of warmth for a snake. While back there he gets lucky and see's Cherry sitting in our dryer vent tube thing, (which was disconnected from the dryer at the time) reaches out to grab him, Cherry rattles his tail and takes off down the hole (which leads under our house) and is gone.

Almost 2 days later, after cleaning his cage out and not having it set back up fully, being sad and beating ourselves up, as he was our very first snake and what got us both into snakes and corns in particular. My husband goes to the bathroom to give our son a bath reaches up to grab the towel off of the shower curtain rod and BAM! there is Cherry hanging out on top of the rod. :D :D :dancer: :D :D

We have been having some issues with leaks in our bathroom ceiling and actually had a tile fall into the tub, out of the ceiling recently and that is the only thing we can figure out is that he managed to get up into our roof, and then make his way back down into the bathroom ceiling. Never in my life have I been so happy to have a hole in our ceiling. Luckily we did not have plans to get it fixed until after pay day, which is probably one of the best things being broke has ever done for me :D lol

I snapped a couple of pics of Cherry, then grabbed him down, held him for a bit while the cage got set back up, then let him chill for a bit before getting him out and feeding him. He is just finishing up his mouse as I sit here and I am just smiling like an idiot. For whatever his reasoning, Cherry came home!


  • cherry return edit002.jpg
    cherry return edit002.jpg
    73.9 KB · Views: 35
Congrats on Cherry's safe return! He looks very pleased with himself after his little adventure there :)