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Lost and Found!


New member
Well I had my first escaped....... .....leopard Gecko! lol

She did a runner on Friday night, and She finally found herself today! lol

After Tearing the room apart and taking all the drawers out of the dresser that I had her on I resigned myself to moving the awkward 50 Viv out of the closet (its empty, but I helped my friend move this weekend and have no strength ..just pain left) so I climb into the closet and start shifting stuff around then climb out to slide the closet doors so I can push the Viv over and I happened to glance over at her empty Viv and .... there she is in front of her Viv clawing to get back inside!
I have no IDEA :shrugs: where she was hiding or where she came from because I had searched through a large radius around the tank before going for the closet!

The only problem is that now I know that I have probally used up a whole year Supply of luck! LOL so I am basically screwed for anything else that comes up ;) :eek1:
lol very good luck.. dont worry youll have alot more :p I never seem to run out of luck :dunce: