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New member
I came home from work today and my snake was not in the cage.... What can i do??? it ate on sunday... ugh i am lossed right now this is terrible!
OH Nooooo I am new here & new to Corns just wanted to lend my support & hopes you find him. Can you give some back ground on him? What kind of snake, how old etc...

I hope you find him, I read that they lay low & when I let mine crawl on the floor he seem to stay along the wall. BUT I have a little guy. Ummmm not sure really what you can do. I will be chking back to see what responses you have gotten. I know it will be a long night for you tonight...I really hope its not. Hang in there we're here for ya!! :)
several ideas I have heard of include..

- Search EVERYWHERE!! even if it seems out of reach or "to high"
- Seach in dark/warm spaces..(ex. under the fridge, behind entertainment systems, near heaters, under stove)
- set plastic bags all over the floor of a room and turn the lights off so the room is very dark, listen to see if you can hear the rattling of the bags..I have heard of this trick working on occasion
- set down flour near all cracks, holes, doorways and spaces in your house so that you can see where your snake has been (since he would leave a trail in the flour)
- Set out bottle traps (I know this includes taking a soda bottle, cutting off the top and turning the top inside out into the bottle, set a feeder mouse (whatever size feeder your snake currently eats) inside the bottle and have mouse scented bedding leading into the bottle to attract the snake to the trap...Once inside the snake will eat the mouse and won't be able to get out
- You can try setting the heating pad on the floor to make a nice warm spot for your snake and hope he comes to the warmth
- Check all the rooms in your house but start with the room that the tank is in
- Check inside closets and even shoes..anywhere he can coil up and would feel safe

That is the most I can offer for right now..I wish you luck and I hope you find him :0(
I know it's hard not to worry but I'm starting to relax a little these days when it happens. 9 times out of 10 I've found the snake. Once it took a whole 3 months before he showed up again but usually I've found them within the week. There are many tricks you can try, the only one that ever worked for me was putting down a heat mat with the snakes hid one it. Just a not, they will usually stay near a wall, they don't feel safe out in the open. I've found mine under laundry baskets, on top of my VCR, behind some shelving that was leaning against the wall, in between DVDs on a shelf, in between books on a shelf, in it's hide on a heat mat and once basking on my bath mat.

The next step after finding them is to fix their cage so this can never happen again. If there is any possible escape hole they will find it and use it. It's best to get a lid with a lock, you'd be amazed how much weight they can slither under to escape.
well.... i tried searching each day... then went and got a mouse and a two liter.... I was afraid to leave the live mouse in the bottle and have it escape too.... so i put a fresh killed one in there. left it in there all day and still no Cassandra....what is the next step
My BP got out twice. Everytime she did, she was in the linen closet. I had to fan out clothes very carefully to find her. I say just make sure to look in clothes. Hopefully she'll turn up somewhere.
Zeebo escaped once and, well, I was in Japan so I don't know how they actually found him but he was along the wall under a futon. So my suggestion would be to check under all the furniture and along the wall. Good luck
all the tricks i have ever heard of have been said. make sure you set a lot of thm up around the edges of the room as they prefer to stay close to walls. make sure you check everywere even if you think it is impossible for the snakle to get there. and finally good luck!!! hope you catch him safe and well!!!!
Gman79 said:
well.... i tried searching each day... then went and got a mouse and a two liter.... I was afraid to leave the live mouse in the bottle and have it escape too.... so i put a fresh killed one in there. left it in there all day and still no Cassandra....what is the next step

When you say "all day" do you mean day light time, cause it would be better just as it get dark. I have found my after it starts getting dark and the kids have went to bed. Don't give up because I had a Texas rat snake get out only to show up several mounths latter on one of my mice cage.
reptile_jones said:
When you say "all day" do you mean day light time, cause it would be better just as it get dark. I have found my after it starts getting dark and the kids have went to bed. Don't give up because I had a Texas rat snake get out only to show up several mounths latter on one of my mice cage.

Were any of the mice missing? :eek1: :eek1:
I actually lost one of my beautiful male okeetee 06's about...a month or two ago -.- he somehow got out...and I've yet to see the little brat. Tried the bottle traps, looked all over, moved all the furniture but with the steps and the fact that my house is older and in need of work..there are so many cracks and holes he could have gotten into that...I'm just hoping one day I manage to find him... -.-''

So honestly? I just hope you have some luck there dude XD If you're lucky he might just be chilling out in the middle of the room...thats...really all the advice I have >.< Good luck
That's a grt idea buy mice!! Cage them & see what happens....:shrugs:
Still praying she shows up soon...do you live in a house or appt?
I live in an older house that i am renting... I have the 30 L with a mouse in it roaming around and the screen lid open a little bit. The snake has yet to appear....

praying for her return...

I wanted to thank you for your help and thoughts.
If i have had a live mouse in the snakes cage running around for the last week and still no return(the snake ate two weeks ago). Does that mean the snake is gone?
Have you done any more searching? You need to check in and under everything multiple times. Also, stake out likely places, like the room she was in, after dark. She's probably not gone. People find them months later.

well, I lost my 06 ghost corn in january. I found her a week later in the basement on a speaker in front of the furnace. I also suggest that you put a row of flower or corn meal in all the door ways that way if she enters a room you will be able to tell.
When I first moved my snakes into their new rack, I closed the bins the wrong way and left gaps I couldn't see. Two of my yearlings escaped (one escaped twice). I found one of them in the finch flight twice, and my dog found the other one. I'll link you to the threads. :)

BAD snake!!

Snakes & Birds

Snake+Dog=Good Times

Ok, so those threads probably aren't helpful...but you laughed, didn't you? ;)