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Male breeding behavior


New member
I'm not a total noob when it comes to the change in behavior males go though during breeding season. I have a male kingsnake that goes off feed and gets restless. Never stops moving.

I only have two corn snakes and I thought both of them were female until recently. Some of you may know about my strange hypo that might be an ultramel (and I think may be het sunkissed), named Sigyn. Well I've renamed Sigyn to Sigurd because after probing I found Sigyn to be a boy!

Anyway he is 2 years old now and I guess just starting to be interested in the girls. He hasn't gone off food. However he is very restless. But the strange thing is he is more aggressive. He was never very "nice" in the first place. He would chew your face off if given the chance! However now he is super aggressive! He comes shooting out of his bin mouth wide open. He's very jumpy and twitchy. He even strikes at me through the bin! Such a bad little monster lol!

Is this normal?
Should also mention that they are all in an AP rack with a long strip of flexwatt woven through the whole thing. I have my thermostat set to 85 and I have the probe on the first level taped to the flexwatt. I then have separate digital thermometers with a probe inside each bin. So I know it isn't heat related. All the other snakes in the rack are fine. At the moment I only have 1 kingsnake and 2 corn snakes. The female corn snake is in the top rack. The male in question is in the second and the baby kingsnake is the third rack.

Do you think moving Sigurd further away from Sylvara (the female) would help at all? I do worry he's going to rub his nose off trying to get through the board separating their bins.
Anyone one else experience an increase of aggressive behavior during breeding season? Particularly in snakes that already had bad attitudes to begin with?
None of mine really have a big change in their temperament. Flynn is less content to just sit with you and gets more wiggly, but none have gotten aggressive. He does zoom around his bin like a loon though and has just started to not be interested in food. Last year he ate once every 3-4 weeks during mating season and never stayed still.
Sigurd was already an aggressive snake though. It's not really a change in temperament it's just worse right now. Normally he would try to bite me and tail rattle. Lately he has been shooting out of his bin at me, hissing, puffing up, tail rattling and trying to bite me. I've had to use the snake hook just to get him out. Whereas before I could trick him by have him focus on one hand and grabbing him with the other lol.
Last year my boy went off feeding a little, and now he's at the right breeding age, im interested to see what will happen - particularly as this year i have another male as well as a female. He's already been very interested in their RUB's and has tripled his escape attempts!
Are you sure your suspected male is truely a male???? Sounds like a young female going into season.... I have several females that before introducing will wander the vivs for endless hours but never lose the feeding response "OR" your other snake is giving off the "come and find me" pheromones....

Every so often during "the season" we might have one or two that change their tudes. And we have a few males that go off feed for a while...One went 129 days last season.... but he needed to lose a quite a few grams so it worked out really well :)
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Yes I'm 100% sure he is a boy. I thought he was a female until he was big enough to probe. The probe went in very very deep. Then he stuck his hemipenes out with some fresh sperm plugs after I was done. I assume those were sperm plugs. They were white and in the same shape as the hemipenes. Then he bit me several times and I put him back in his bin. He has always been a pissy snake even as a tiny little worm.

My female is in the bin above his. He knows she is up there. He has been cruising around the bin with his nose against the board that separates them.

I was just curious if it was normal for a not so nice snake to act even more not so nice during this season. He is my only evil boy. Everyone else is good.

My adult male kingsnakes act typical for the season but they weren't mean in the first place.
I've had a couple of getula kings that bad. I wouldn't even breed them, they were so insane. You could tire them out and get them handle-able, but the next day, they did the same thing all over again. Didn't matter if hungry or full. I doubt it's seasonal, but I hope so for your sake. Jerk snakes are one thing, but "flatten and fly out with mouth agape" snakes are for the birds! I wish ya the best with him, and look forward to updates.
I've had him since he was a couple months old. He didn't bite unless I did something he didn't like. I could hold him but the entire time he would be trying to get away. He will be 3 this year. The last week or so he has been the worst ever lol. I even had to get the snake hook out in order to remove him and clean his bin. I hope he will calm down soon (what's considered calm for him that is) lol.

I fed him this past Tuesday and he coiled the mouse and bit it as always. However he did seem to get distracted and leave it. I had to rewarm it and offer again. So he may go off feed.

My crazy boy:
