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Male/Female personalities

Ghor Vrath

Goth Boy
sup everyone
my 1st post here :p

i'm thinking of getting a corn snake in about 2 months or so, am reading lots of info on this forum :)

but i was wondering, are there any major differences between male an female corn snakes ? like are males more aggressive or somethign?
or dont u really notice anything (cause i read they both about the same size)
tx then.
My young males seem to be more active and curious and the females are a little bit more skittish, but with my adults, it seems to depend on the day/weather/what I smell like. They're all docile and except for the baby girls, they're ready to snuggle into the nearest warm/dark spot they can find. I don't know if there's a proven/standard answer to this question, though, sorry.
hmm tx for the info :p
guess i'll just pick a snake with the nicest colours :b hehe
then find out if its male or female afterwards, hehehe
Each animal has its own personality. I have quite a few snakes and have not noticed a distinct difference in temperment between males and females. Some are just more outgoing/friendly and some are pissy from day one. I think its merely depends on each snake.
hmm.. thought so..
males+females r the same price?
they have same general patterns + eat the same amount too i guess..
hmm... so they're both rather similar, just u need 1 of each to make more :b

hmm... think i'll just get a grrl snake cause i'm a guy :b then if i call my snake cute it wont be as weird, hahah
For some reason my female seems to be much shyier ( if thats a word) than my male snake, and they're the same age. I don't believe this would follow suit for all snakes though.
First off, welcome. As far as differences in behavior, they seem to be the same in that they all have their own individual personality. The only difference that I have noticed with my snakes (and I speak only for myself) is that the males seem to acclimate alot more quickly.
Well . . .

I only have females - but they all have very distinct personalities. Some of them also have moods, no kidding. I have one that will bite you one day and then be the sweetest thing ever the next . . . I don't think the snake's sex has as much to do with the personality as the snake itself.
I have two mellow males, and one really mellow female. My older female used to be really nervous, but is now pretty mellow too. My other female is completely psycho. I don't think it matters much, but if you can, handle your potential purchase. My mellow amel was mellow from the beginning. He never tried to shoot out of your hands, and seemed perfectly content to hang out in my hands from the first time I picked him up. This was in contrast to two others that costantly were trying to escape and were really quick in their movements. He remains my calmest, largest snake. He also was my best eater. The only thing was that once he matured, he went off food for three months while he searched for Love.....didn't change the mellow personality though. Only his eating habits. He's back to normal now though.
Yeah, handle them if you can!

I hadn't thought about that, Meg, but it's true. I handled Rhiannon in the store and she was sweet and calm then, just as now. I did not handle the ghosts or crimson before buying them, I got them at an expo. Well, the crimson (Athena) alternates between being totally nice or totally psycho. My ghosts are FINALLY getting over trying to shoot out of my hands . . . LOL . . . but they've never been aggressive. If I'd got Athena 1st I'd have never got another corn . . . :shrugs: So yeah, handling before buying, especially if you are getting your 1st corn, it important. Even just a few months old Rhiannon just crawled around on my arm, my kids held her, etc. But also, expect that once you get your new corn home it won't be quite so sociable until it's settled in a bit. I never had any problems with Rhiannon, but it did take a couple weeks til she was as calm at my house as she was at the pet store.
Ghor Vrath said:
males+females r the same price?

Well, if you buy a lone female, its normally going to cost more (about 25%)from most breeders because its easier to sell males if they are paired with a female. Alot of people have a hard time selling off lone males, so some people give pretty good prices for them. Just depends on what you want. Be careful...you'll get addicted... It may just be better in the long run to buy a pair now lol :grin01:

Wait for about another month or two and this site will be exploding with babies :)