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Male mice question


New member
Okay here's the scoop.

A week or so ago I got four breeding females from the petstore here. THey are getting out of breeding mice and only will be bringing in frozen now. SO the rodent guy there sold me some of their breeders, they've each had three or so litters but I'm hoping to get one or two more.

I have a picky ball that will only eat live hence why I'm trying to raise up my own.

Now from another guy here I managed to get two males and two females.

I scrubbed out my two mouse bins real well and split the girls into two groups of three and put a male in with each group. One of the males I got was pretty scrawny and sickly and he didn't last long, he ended up snake food yesterday. So now I have one group of three girls with one male and one group of three girls by themselves.

WHat I am wondering is, can I take the male from the other trio and put it in with the other girls to "do his thing"? he's a big strong albino male. I know some people keep their males seperate from their girls and only introduce them for breeding, how can I do this without sacraficing my male? I only have one and I HAVE to get some babies :s

I'm hoping in the future to keep two groups of 1.2 but right now I just need babies! The more the better and I'd hate to have those other three girls just sitting there doing nothing. I could feed them off I guess but one of those girls is a favorite that I was hoping to keep as a pet once I got some babies from her.

Any advice?
I'm sure that I am going to get plenty of disagreement on this but what you said you read is exactly correct, and what I do.
What I do is have one of my males in his own tub/pen and i will rotate 1 to 2 females into his tub for about 24-48 hours. I get better pregnancy success with 48 hours. He is very happy with this and the females are not aggressive AT ALL because they are not in their own surroundings. To put the females back into their 'colony' I clean out their tank, mix them up and then put them back (be sure to erradicate all existing bedding or smells). It puts them out of their own element and forces them to re-organize their pecking order. I've not had any violent deaths this way, it works wonders and I get plenty of babies.
Just DON'T throw the male in with the group of females outright. They WILL kill him. Females are very territorial and guard their established territory with a penalty of death. :uzi:
If you are intent on doing this, this way. Then what Tara suggested would be smart. Clean, clean and more cleaning. Good luck.
?? I must have very peacefull mice. I have a big pen where I keep two males and six females permanently. When one or more get big, I put them in a seperate smaller pen to have their nest. When the babies don't need them anymore, I just put them back in with the group. I just take care that the two males don't end up with anything below 3 females.
Never had a fight yet... Like I said, they must be peacefull...
Cleaning. But I suggest getting another male, or taking one of the male's sons and putting him with the other females he's *likely* unrelated to.