Hey guys, ive been waiting for him to shed since his whole tape ordeal...but Plisken (from the movie Escape From New York) is finally back to his normal self. This one was the day i got him (take with a cell)
[img=http://img287.imageshack.us/img287/1425/5712046018837761306en.jpg] full length...day after i got him July 07
his favorite hiding spot...
sorry about all the pics...as you guys can see im very proud to be a first time Corny! lmao... my last pic..and i have a question i hear that based on Vent-to-end of tail you can determine (not 100%) the sex of the snake. so here is a vent pic...im told he is just a Male Normal Corn Snake...just wanna be sure he is a he! lol... the vent (if you cant see it, is RIGHT above where my hand ends)
when i was at the pet store (he was the most colorful, and had a lot of personality) the guy was telling me "oh thats the biter...you dont want him" but my friend who owns a burmese python was like "yeah but most of them are while babies..." he kept coiling up which kinda scared me...but never actually bit. even today, he coils up ready to strike, but i "trust" that he wont bite me, and just grab him...once hes out i guess he realizes im not trying to eat him.
Sorry about my whole lifes story...im sure no one is THAT interested! ;-) but let me know what you guys think!! Thanks again.