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Male snake being weird....


Snake Addict :)
I just finished handeling my female corn went and washed my hands and got out my male.
Usually he's only interested in climbing around in my hand but he is licking my arm like crazy where the female was crawling same with trying to get into my sweater and at my neck where she was...
He seems to be intrigued by her smell i guess, is this normal or am I off my rocker "so to speak".
Well corns are very curious in general. He may have just wanted to know what the new smell was and where the other snake was haha.
Lots of animals seem to do the same thing, whenever I handled a friend's cat and came home to mine, they would smell me and then rub against me to put their scent on top of the stranger cat. My fiance described it as "The cat knows you've been stepping out on her". XD
Yes i would just put in down to curiosity. Al my snakes like to have a sniff to see what i have been upto.