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mandarine striped or mandarin blood striped


New member
from my clutch 1.1 amel het.blood kastanie ph.striped
mandarine striped or mandarin blood striped?
i think i have to wait for the first shed


I agree with everyone else, gorgeous! I have the sneaky suspicion it's a blood but don't quote me as I am FAR from expert.
Is mandarin the name being used for amel kastanie? Whatever it is... it looks awesome!

Looked it up on Ian's Vivarium, so never mind! I want one!!!
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Hmmmm, very pretty. Looks like a colorful opal (and no, mom, you do not need one! :)) Congrats, and hope it is also blood!

I have never really seen one of these . . . I do really like the look of the kastanie snakes, though. I think their coloring is very pretty. We just don't seem to have very many over here. Have they ever been crossed with other morphs besides amel? Are they a locality normal or a recessive mutation?